Washed away

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It's was a mistake to come here.
I grab my phone to check the hour, it's nine pm, I have one hour to get home.

I step out of the restaurant, without telling the people I came with and I start walking through the cars in the drive way.
I have no choice but to walk to my house, I'm pretty sure my mom would go nuts if i called her right now.

I sigh.
I hate myself for this, I hate how I take the poorest decisions.
It's probably why my parents do it for me all the time.
I just want to know what he was trying to do.
What led him to think I wanted him to touch me.
Do I look like the type of girl who enjoys that sort of thing?
I wrap my arms around myself, the wind hitting by bare arms, and I keep my tears in.
"Sara!" It's Ahmed.
I keep walking.

He reaches me, walking beside me but I keep walking, refusing to look at him.
"Why are you leaving?"
I'm so far from home.
And the street is empty.

"Talk to me." He speaks again.
I inhale, he's not worth it.
It's not worth it.

"Sara, come on, why are you doing this?"
I can't.
I can't do this.
I stop walking, and I face him.

"What do you want?" I whisper.
I wanted myself to sound furious.
I wanted to scare him away with a scolding tone, but the way my voice sounded wasn't intimidating.
It was small.

His face expressions shift to a smirk, and he steps closer.
My breath hitches, I know his intentions aren't clear.
I know from the look he has on his face.
"I just want to have fun." He whispers, stepping even closer.
All of the attractiveness I used to see in him has evaporated.
He's a whore.

I think of my options.
I can kick him in the crotch and run, but he would probably catch up.
I can cry very loudly, but there's no one in the street to even hear.
There's one more option.
I could play it smart and put on an act.
I can totally get him like that.
I gather my confidence, and I take a deep breath.

His eyebrows touch his hairline, and he can barely contain his excitement.
"Let's go to the car." He says, his smile extending.
I nod, feeling more terrified than I did before.
How am I going to do this?

He reaches into his pockets and grabs his keys, opening the car.
He then turns to me, and eyes my body.
"Get in." He says, sliding the key back to his pocket.

I need to get his phone, and his keys.
My mind starts racing, trying to come up with a way to get them.

And then I get a great idea.
"Give me your boxers and get in. I'll wear them only and join you." I smile seductively.
I can't believe the words coming out of my mouth.

I expect him to figure out the little game I'm playing, but he's too worked up to notice.
He nods hurriedly, taking off his shoes and then his pants, handing them to me.
He starts taking off his boxers but I look away, sliding my hand into his jeans pocket, to find both of the items I've been looking for.
He hands me his boxers, breathing heavily, and enters the car, without closing the door.

Wow, this actually worked.

Thank god it's dark in the car and I can't see whatever is going on in there.
I look up at his thirsty eyes, and giggle.
That was easy.

"I'll be a minute," I say.
His smile extends.
I can't believe he actually thinks I'm doing this with him.

Before he can make a move, I slam the door shut, immediately locking the car with the keys.
I catch his horrified face, and I smile.
He starts banging on the window, screaming gibberish I don't even want to understand.

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