33. The Cold Resolution

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[ edited 11 Dec 2015 ]

When reading a book or watching a movie, everyone holds their breath when the confession scene happens. The climax and the unknown of whether the person being confessed to will accept or reject has everyone nearly falling over their seats.

But you know what happens to me? I listen to every word that's being said, taking down ever single word enunciated, and mentally locking it into my memory. Because every time I watch or read this agonizingly sweet words being relayed I always wish they were directed at me.

I mean, come on. What girl wouldn't want their own Fitzwilliam Darcy or their own Augustus Waters? What girl wouldn't want their own Edward Cullen (or Jacob Black) pronouncing their unwavering love and devotion?

But the downside of this fantasy I had? That was never going to happen. And if it ever did, it was definitely scripted.

"You've changed me. I never wanted to change before I met you. I never wanted more out of life until you walked into my life." Expertly his hands trace a heated path on mine. "You make me want to give you the moon, the pleasures of life and anything you desire. You made me believe that love is good, love is real and that I could have that with you," Dylan leans in closer, his spicy breath fans over me.

I hold my breath and just like that I can't help it. The feats of laughter slips out of my lips.

Dylan glares at me, his gaze burning a hole through me.

"CUT!!!!!!" The director screams out as the set lights come on.

The laughter seeps out uncontrollably and I'm near tears when Amelia runs over to rub my back.

"Alex! That's the second time this has happened!" Declan says as he walks over, an annoyed expression on his face.

"I'm..." laugh "so sorry" laugh "Declan." Everyone is watching me make a fool out of myself. A PA runs over with a glass of water.

I instantly stop laughing as James holds out the glass."No thanks."

"Is this going to be a problem?" Dylan asks from ten feet away, sounding impatient.

"I...just need a minute to catch my breath," I replied as I glare back.

It's been like this for the past two days. A series of glares and annoyed expressions from him.

What was his problem?

"Well, hurry up, will you? I have to attend a photo-shoot after this, okay?"

I nodded, still pondering on his attitude change.

Wasn't he the one who suggested we become closer? What was up with the cold shoulder?

"Alex, can I talk to you, please?" A voice says to me just as the director yells "Cut!" forty-five minutes later.

An annoyed expression forms on my face instantly as I recognized James voice.

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