8. Pigs Can Fly

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[ edited 2nd Dec 2015 ]

Before I'd left home for L.A, mom had run me through all the scenarios where I'd meet Flynn Mathers.

Scenario 1 - He came to the set and I ran into him. He recognized me and kidnapped me. Refused to give me back, fought mum in court for withholding parental rights. I lived with him as he came home with women after women.

Scenario 2 - I went to Starbucks to get myself a white mocha and coincidentally he was also there getting himself a white mocha. Recognized me, kidnapping, same old, same old.

Scenario 3 - He ran me over, took me to the hospital, got my blood tested, found out I was his daughter, kidnapping, same just as before.

Scenario 4 - We met, he never recognized me, we went on with our same old lives.

Of course, mom and I were both vying for the last scenario with the slight difference of us never meeting ever again. And judging by the fact that my flight back home was leaving in T-Minus 1 hour and 49 minutes and counting, Scenario 4 personalized was going to be in action.

To say I was disappointed was blowing it out of proportion. But after that meeting with James two days ago, I had been hoping to run into him and set matters straight and let out all the pent up anger for the past number of years.

Two days had passed since my meeting with James and I felt ... freer. After of course, the crying session and the hours of dissing I'd done over the phone with my friends. Then there was the 52 missed calls from James and 116 messages all saying that he was sorry, he was wrong, or asking if I was alright or all the above.

Now, I was going home to virtually a boring slash stupid slash crazy summer. All my friends had summer jobs at the fancy country club where I couldn't even enter and then there was the fact that I could've been working there to if not for the bloody surprise I'd planned for James.

My cheap replacement of a phone I'd grabbed after the fight with James vibrated in my pants.

I pulled out the ancient Nokia phone and mourned for my old one that Sir Jerks-A-Lot damaged thanks to his big ego that everyone wanted him. Which reminded me, now the jerk had gotten away with the crime of property damage. If only I could see his cocky face again, but that was never gonna happen unless pigs flew.

My phone vibrated again, reminding me that it was ringing.

A random number showed up on the screen.

Answer or not? I didn't know whether to. After all, I didn't know who it was.

It vibrated again. Somehow with more urgency.

"Hello?" I said as I answered it.

"Ms Hunt?" a female voice said from the other end.

"This is her. Who is this?"

"Great. Janice Florence from Global Studios, Ms. Hunt. We're calling to inform you that-"

"Are you going to sue me?" The words escaped as I thought back to whether I'd broken any laws.

"What?" Laughter followed. "No, Ms. Hunt. We-"

"Then why are you calling?" Suspicion laced in my tone.

"If you'll let me continue-"

"Okay sorry," I bit my lower lip nervously.

A chuckle from the other side. "As I was saying, we're calling to let you know that we need you to come in for some visuals and head shots."

Rushed (Hate at First Flight #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now