Chapter 3: A Deal

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"What?" Shiki asks, baffled. Rebecca notices she had forgotten to say one important word on her sentence.

"I-I mean, I want you to pretend to date me."

"That doesn't make things clearer." Shiki says, placing his hands in his pockets. He looked amused.

"Look, the reason I'm asking you this is because..." And Rebecca explained her plan, feeling more and more idiot as the words left her mouth.

When she finished, her heart was beating fast from anxiety and nervousness. She didn't know this person. For all she knew, he could be a pervert that could take advantage of this situation. Or worse, spread word of what she was doing.

Shiki places his hand on his chin and assumes a thoughtful expression. "So you are doing this just for the views?" He asks after a while.

"It's not for the views." Rebecca replies, gripping her uniform's jacket. "It's for my subscribers. They want to see a new side of myself."

"And you also get more views at that for the people I'll bring." He says, smirking.

Suddenly, Rebecca regretted what she was doing. This Shiki was not good news.

"That's just a bonus." She says, trying to sound calm. "What I want is to please my long time fans."

"And you are willing," He starts, taking a few steps towards Rebecca. The girl steps back until she hits a tree. Shiki smirks again as he watches her, leaving distance between them. "To date a total stranger for them? People you don't even know?"

Rebecca gets a bit angry and looks fiercely into his eyes. "I love my fans. I might not know them personally but that doesn't matter. They are kind and supportive and I want to thank them for everything they've done for me."

Shiki's eyes widen slightly at her determined expression. Then he grins. "And what would I gain with this?"

"Well," Rebecca lifts her head, trying to show calmness. "Then I would be willing to do one thing you ask me. As long as it is reasonable, of course." She adds before he got any ideas.

"Just one thing?"

"One thing for one month of this deal. That's all I ask."

"Only a month?" Shiki asks, cocking his head to his side.

"I don't see the need of making it any longer. That way, my fans will be pleased and it's not too long for them to become fond of you."

"Such consideration!" The boy says, his eyes twinkling. "And who breaks up with whom?"

"Since this is a favour I'm asking, I don't mind if you are the one to end things." Rebecca answers, shrugging.

"And be the guy who dumped the Rebecca and be hated by all the girls? No thanks." Shiki waves his hand at the offer and the girl sighs.

"Very well, then I'll be the one to dump you. That will be fun." She says as she stares at the him, a sly smirk on her lips.

Shiki stays quiet for a few moments before reaching out his hand to her. "I agree. Then do we have a deal?"

Rebecca shakes his hand. "We have. I hope you do your part well."

Shiki smirks. "Don't worry. I can be a gentleman. And I'm going to start now."

Before Rebecca had time to do anything, Shiki leans in and kisses the back of her palm, so gently that Rebecca wondered if he was the same person. She blushed and retreated her hand the moment he let go of her hand.

Her reaction seemed to please him. "I need to know your address." He says.

Rebecca frowns. "For what?"

"I'll come and pick you up at your house so we can come to school together. That's what couples do."

Rebecca blushes slightly at the word."R-Right." She takes her notebook from her bag, rips a piece of paper and writes her address.

"I want yours as well, while we are at that." She says as she hands the paper.

"Of course. But it's easier if we exchange numbers, you know. We can even have long chats at night, as girls like." He says with a wink that had Rebecca rolling her eyes.

"Please." They exchange numbers and as Rebecca was noting it, she remembered something. "I hope you don't try to do any indecent things in public." She warns with a fierce stare.

Shiki smiles innocently. "Don't worry. Again, I know how to behave with a girl, okay?"

She eyes him with suspicion, but chose to trust him, since now they had a deal, and a deal required a bit of trust.

She sighs as she sits on a nearby bench, pulling her notebook again. "Well, let's start with the questions."

He frowns. "What questions?" He sits on the bench as well.

"No one is going to believe we like each other if we don't, at least, know the minimum about each other." Rebecca says calmly, as if it was obvious.

"But isn't it more fun to just go discovering things by ourselves?" He asks. "That's the fun of dating."

"You talk as if you have a lot of experience." Rebecca says, surprised. "Have you ever dated?"

Shiki suddenly looked embarrassed, which amused Rebecca. "W-Well, no, but I have watched a lot of movies."

Rebecca blinks at him before laughing. She laughed so much that tears came to her eyes. She didn't notice Shiki's expression softening before her genuine amusement.

"S-Sorry," She apologizes as she wipes her tears. "But okay, I guess we can do as you want, even though we aren't actually dating."

"Very well," Shiki says as he gets up, turning to her. "See you tomorrow then!"

What impressed Rebecca the most was the bright smile he wore - not a grin nor a smirk; but a genuine smile that illuminated his face, as if he was a child.

Her expression softened as she replied. "Yeah, see you. And thank you again for agreeing with this. I know it is a bit... strange."

Shiki shakes his head, still smiling. And Rebecca had a feeling that the Shiki she had met was just an act.

"Don't worry. I think this will be interesting, either way."

From now on, this story will be updated weekly on Mondays! 

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