Chapter 8: Laser Tag

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The seconds it took for Homura to arrive felt like years for Rebecca. She controlled her breathing as tried to look calm, and looked at Shiki and Weisz, who waved at the girl.

"Don't worry." Shiki reassures, patting her shoulder. "Now we can all go!"

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Weizs asks, looking at both girls.

Shiki makes an 'o' with his mouth and clasps a hand with his fist. "Oh, right! Rebecca, this is Homura. Homura, this my girlfriend, Rebecca."

Homura finally looks at the new member and bows, a gentle smile on her lips. "It's very nice to meet you." She says as she looks up. Something in her expression changes and she tilts her head slightly.

"Have we met before? You look familiar to me."

Rebecca smiles. "I don't think so. Maybe you have seen some of my videos and that's why you-"

"I don't really see videos. I prefer doing other things." Homura bluntly says before covering her mouth. "Sorry, that was rude! My mouth always say things it shouldn't say."

Rebecca giggles, finding amusing how the situation had happened before. "I don't mind, don't worry."

"Well, now that presentations are made, let's go!" Shiki orders as he gets hold of Rebecca's hand and starts walking, his friends following.

"Where are we going? You didn't tell me." Rebecca points out, waling by his side and unconsciously getting a bit closer to the boy.

Shiki turns his head and smiles brightly. "To the best place! The arcade!"


"Laser tag?" Rebecca asks, eyeing the plastic guns and vest.

Shiki nods enthusiastically. "Yes! It'll be great, believe me."

"It's not that I don't, I was just not expecting." Rebecca says, putting in the vest. Her heart began to pulse from anticipation. It had been years since she last played and she used to love it.

"The rules are simple." Weisz starts, gathering the group. "Each one of us has to try to kill the other while pointing the pistol to the vest. The winner is that last one standing." He eyes Rebecca and grins, getting a superior expression. "But I'm not sure you'll enjoy this much, since we'll have to run and have good aim. Madams like you might find this not too good for them."

Rebecca smiles innocently. "Oh, don't worry about me. I think I can manage."


Rebecca killed them all within 15 minutes.

"How the heck are you so good?!" Weizs asks, outraged, after the game.

The girl giggles. "I guess I like to run and have good aim. It has been years since the last time I played; I'm glad I still know how to do this."

"You're really good at this type of games." Shiki says, watching her with admiration. She blushes slightly under his stare and scratches her cheek.

"It's something natural." She would not tell them she plays a lot of sniping video games.

"Well, I want round 2." Weisz commands, folding his arms. "I want an opportunity to regain my honour."

"What honour?" Shiki jokes, grinning. Weizs hits him in the head.

"It's okay with me." Rebecca says, shrugging. "But I'm going to be beat you nevertheless."

"That's the way, Rebecca!" Homura comments cheerfully.

Weisz looks fiercely at the B-cuber. "It's on!"

She again, killed them all.


They went to a coffee shop after that and, while Weizs was still grumpy over having lost, the rest ordered a few desserts and drinks.

"It was so fun!" Shiki beams, wrapping an arm around Rebecca's shoulder. The motion should not have surprised her but it did. "I gotta be careful with what I say to you. You may kill me some day." He winks.

Rebecca smiles and raises her chin, pretending to be superior. "Those are wise words, wise words indeed."

The waitress comes with the orders, placing them in front of the costumers.

"You are only getting that juice?" Shiki asks to Rebecca, who was starting to drink her strawberry juice. His girlfriend glances at the giant slice of cake in front of him.

She nods. "Yeah, I'm not very hungry."

"You can have my cake too." He says, moving the plate closer to her.

"It's yours."

"It's ours."

Rebecca almost gasps. His words were so simple, and yet... they tugged on her heartstrings. She looks down as she smiles, playing with the straw on her juice.

"Thank you, really, but you can have it."

Shiki eyes for a few seconds before grabbing a spoon and start eating the delicious cake. As he rolled his eyes in bliss and hummed in appreciation, Rebecca had to control herself to not show how badly she wanted it too.

You mustn't. Control yourself, be strong. It's been years, this is nothing.

She finished her juice quietly, hearing the rest chatting about school and life in general. She couldn't help but be amazed of how different their talk were compared to those of her with Labilia. They mostly talked about fashion, their channels, designs and some gossip.

Those in front of her spoke about their tastes, their life, their interests.

Woah... Realities sure are different between people.

She loved her chats with Labilia but she admitted it was refreshing to talk about new, interesting topics.

"What about you, Rebecca?" Homura asks, bringing her back to reality.

"I'm sorry, what? I got distracted." She says with an apologetic smile.

"We were talking of who's cuter, pandas or koalas."

And of course, they also had their trivial conversations.

I'm so excited for the anime!

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