Chapter 5

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Media Citation: sarah. Fun with Friends.

Chapter 5

After the incident with Rachel, I decide to avoid the library. Most of the time, I spend lunch in my car. Richard eventually found my hiding spot and began spending it with me sometimes. He's a good friend but I also feel smothered by him at times. I just want to be alone.

"Amelia, you're early," Young-Jae walks through the door. He sets his bag by one of the walls.

"Yeah, thought I'd get a head start on stretches since I haven't been doing much at home."

He joins me at the bar and begins warming up. I reach for my toes one more time before I lift my leg up and set it against the bar. I count in my head before I bend forward and lie against my thigh.

I haven't run into Jace and I'm grateful for that too. He's an enigma and I'm still trying to figure out his relationship with Detective Abel. Jace doesn't seem like a troubled kid so that means Detective Abel is personally connected. Perhaps he's just family, like Jace had said.

"Girl, we need to loosen up those legs," Young-Jae presses on my shoulders ever so slightly. "You need to let go of all this tension, Amelia! You're stiffer than Ryan in sex ed—"

"Too much information," I groan and lift myself up. He wags his eyebrows at me, almost to the beat of my développé leg raises. "I've been's why I decided to come back."

I have been dancing for as long as I can remember, and I have developed the flexibility that comes with being an avid dancer. But Young-Jae is right—my body has tightened up after a couple of weeks of skipping out on stretching.

"Dance always fixes things," My partner, Young-Jae, smiles as he joins me. He's just as flexible as I am.

We have been partners for six years now, ever since he had moved from South Korea to the States. At the time, my partner had recently quit dance to play for Fisher Point's basketball team, and I had been dancing on my own before Young-Jae joined the studio. It had been a relief and we immediately got along. He's a beautiful dancer and we feed off each other's work ethic.

Another reason I love Young-Jae is that—like me—he doesn't just dance classic ballet. He and I both love contemporary and hip hop. Until now, I hadn't realized how much I had missed dancing and practicing with him.

"I'm sorry I've been absent," I look up at him. Perhaps it isn't that I want to be alone, but rather that I don't want to be around people that made things complicated. And Young-Jae is the most easygoing person I know.

He shakes his head, "Family comes first. Even over dance."

We both smirk because we both know that he didn't mean a bit of that. Dance has been a fever that caught onto both of us and hasn't let go of Young-Jae just yet. It still runs high for me...but like many of the things in my life, dance has lost most of its meaning. I just show up to class out of habit and because I can't stand being in that empty house.

"So," Young-Jae grinned as we sit on the ground to open our hips further, "How does a Latin dance class sound to you?"

"Well my Puerta Rican mother wouldn't be opposed to me learning more about my roots," I shrug, "And I learnt bachata back in sophomore year. I really like the style—"

"Good!" He claps his hands, "Because I signed up for a class and can bring a partner along for free—and who better than the Jennifer Grey to my Patrick Swayze!"

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