Chapter 27

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Warning: This chapter includes sexual themes/suggestion

(Because there is no such thing as a werewolf romance without some *raging hormones*)

Chapter 27

I'm surprised when I open my eyes and find myself in Jace's bedroom. It's dark outside now. I must have been in my vision for hours.

Sitting up, I grab the glass of water beside the bed and gulp it down. My stomach growls and my muscles are stiff from laying still for so long. A glance at Jace's alarm clock tells me that it's just before midnight. I have been asleep for over eight hours...

Hushed whispers catch my attention, and I crawl to the edge of the bed to listen. It's Jace, Rachel, and Mallory.

"I just don't understand how she's been out of it for so long," Rachel murmurs quietly.

"It happens," Mallory says simply, "Tapping into that kind of spiritual energy is tiring. I get like this too—"

"I've never seen you lie around like a vegetable for the whole day and night, Mallory," Jace snaps.

"I'm not a lycanthrope. Amelia's body will react differently to mine."

"What did you really do?" He asks but there's no response. He sighs loudly. I can imagine the muscles of his neck flexing like they do when he gets impatient, "Just be careful with her. She's frail. And she's still recovering from the beating Natalia dealt her."

My heart sinks, even though I know what he said is right. My sides are still sensitive and mottled in hideous yellow bruises, and I still walk with a slight limp. Apparently, I had been lucky and let off easy since Natalia hadn't shifted, but it certainly doesn't feel that way.

The front door shuts, and I hear footsteps approaching me. I sit back into the pillows and pull the blankets back over my legs just as the bedroom door opens. Jace looks surprised to see me awake.

"Hey," I smile but my stomach is in knots. I haven't forgotten how Natalia had been watching him train.

"What are you trying to do, Amelia?" He hovers over me, "You shouldn't be letting Mallory push you more than you can handle—"

"She didn't. I feel fine."

"You're..." He sits down and takes my hands in his, staring at him for the longest time. I don't like the way he hesitates. "You're weak. You can't take as much as a normal Wolf, Amelia."

"A normal Wolf?"

"You know what I mean—"

"No," I pull away from him and fix him a look, "I don't. What is a normal Wolf supposed to be like, Jace? Because from where I stand, you're all just as weird as I am."

"You can't shift," He says it so lowly, like he's ashamed to admit it aloud. He won't look at me either. Shame isn't the only thing he's's embarrassment.

The feeling hooks into my heart and tears downwards, letting the blood and gore of me spill out. I grab at me tight chest. This is what he feels when my grief and pain is so strong that it translates across the bond...physical pain.

"Where are you going? Amelia, you should be resting," He follows my movements as I climb out of his bed and pull on my boots, "Amelia—"

"I'll rest at home," I mumble as I zip up each boot, "I have to be at the docks early tomorrow."

He catches my wrist before I can take a step towards the door. I can't look up as he turns me towards him, hands braced on my shoulders.

"You wanted to know what I meant," He says softly, "And not being able to shift is abnormal in our world, Amelia."

Wolf #1: The Pack [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ