You/Isabella - Ringing Part 2

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(The Promised Neverland)

You didn't even bother to look up as you heard the familiar set of keys that opened your cell door

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You didn't even bother to look up as you heard the familiar set of keys that opened your cell door. You've been in the cell for far too long to continue counting. There had been hope in the beginning that they would eventually let you out but that hope diminished as the days passed by. They enjoyed beating you just for the fun of it and weren't going to let you go anytime soon.

"Come on! Get up! We don't have a lot of time."

You quickly raised your head when you heard the familiar voice of Sister Krone.

"Krone? What are you doing here?"

"I'mmmm saving your ass! Isabella needs your help and she can't do it without you."

"Please don'......"

"Now is not the time. If you want to live, we need to go now!"

The two quickly exit out of the cells and began to run through a serious of hallways. You weren't exactly sure where you even were so you stuck close to Krone so you wouldn't get lost. After what seems like forever, the two of you finally arrive to a familiar tunnel. You tried to catch your breath as you watched Krone look for something.

"Why are you helping I thought you hated us."

"Oh, I definitely hate the two of you. I just thought my chances of becoming a mama will grow when I warm them that you escaped and Isabella is out of the way."

"What?! You're going to get us killed! You bitch!"

You ran up to hit her but stopped when she held up a hand.

"You were always so impulsive. You didn't let me finish. I was going to give the two of you a head start. I took you out of your cell exactly 2 hours before they would go in and beat your ass. It's only been 30 minutes so you still have plenty of time for you and Isabella to escape before I sound the alarms of your escape."

"Well that sounds very nice but what about the trackers that they installed in us. We just can't exactly leave. They'll kill us as soon as we're out of the perimeter."

"I'm sure you and Isabella can figure out. My only problem was to get the two of you out. Now get out of here and find your woman."

"But I..."

"Go! You're wasting time."


Isabella was in the middle of comforting one of her kids when she felt another one tug at her dress.

"Mama? Who is that?"

"Who is who, sweetheart?"

Isabella turned around in the direction that the little girl was pointing to find you running at full speed to the house. She couldn't believe her eyes. After not hearing you from you for almost a year, she had believed that they had killed you.



Isabella ran up to meet you halfway, pulling you into a kiss as soon as the two of you met in the middle. Tears were running down both your cheeks as you held each other.

"H..How are you still alive? What happened? Are you okay?"

She gasps when she finally takes in the condition that you were in. Bruises and cuts littered your body from the many hits that you took as they had fun hitting you.

"I'm fine. These are days old. They don't hurt. We need to go, Isabella. Krone helped me escape and she only gave us an hour to figure out an escape plan."

"What? We can't. Where would we even go? We still have our trackers. My last escape attempt failed, they'll kill us if we attempt to escape again."

"Isabella, they're going to kill me if they catch me. I don't care if our attempt to escape fails. I just want to try to escape. Please, Isabella. I don't want to go back. I don't want to hide out here and watch as they kill all those kids."

Isabella's mind was racing. She didn't want to go but she also didn't want to stay. The only thing that she knew for sure was that she didn't want to lose you again.

"I know someone that can help us. It's risky but they are our only chance."

You weren't sure who 'they' were but you just knew that you weren't going to like it.


You didn't know how to feel about having kids help the two of you escape.

"Isabella, are you sure that this is a good idea? What if they tell them about us?"

"We won't. We want to escape too and we will as soon as we can figure out how to get everyone across. With the information that the two of you told us, our day to escape can be done much earlier."

You nodded at the kid and closed your eyes as they zapped your tracker. It hurt but it wasn't as painful as to what you had endured.

"I'm sorry for any trouble that I caused for the three of you. All I wanted was to give the three of you the happiest memories before they came to take you. I was never okay with any of this but they left me no choice."

The three of the didn't say anything, just handed her the things that the two of you needed to escape. Their mama had changed but that didn't mean they forgave her for not doing anything to stop the killings of their siblings.

"Lets go, Isabella. We've already wasted enough time."

With one last glance, Isabella took off running with you.


The alarm rang as soon as you and Isabella crossed the concrete wall. There still wasn't enough space in the middle of you and the demons so you and Isabella continued to run. Not stopping until the two of you physically couldn't.

"We didn't, (y/n)."

You hugged her tightly, still having a hard time believing that the two of you had managed to actually escape.

"We're free."


Send me prompts and suggestions on request page.

Only exception is a/b/o prompts. Will not write about these but can write something similar

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Raven - Yells

Erza Scarlet - Secret

Imu Rifuta - Matchmaker

Akame - Hurt

Isabella - Help

Esdeath - ??


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