You/Mayuko Nise - Reunion Part 1

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(High Rise Invasion) 

Mayu pushed Yuri behind her as a mask landed in front of them. 

"Go Yuri! I'll keep them distract."

"But Mayu..."


Mayu pushed off Yuri in the other direction and then turned around just in time to dodge a swing. Without any weapons, Mayu is forced to dodge while she searched the area for a weapon she could use. Eventually she spots a pipe and makes a run for it. 

Just as she reaches for it, she trips. She lands just a few inches out of reach from the pipe. She quickly crawls for it and manages to grab it just as the mask grabs her ankle. 

With the pipe she just grabbed, Mayu manages to slam it as hard as she can against the mask. It manages to crack some of it to reveal one of their eyes. When the two of them lock eyes, she's dropped immediately. 



Yuri soon returns with her weapons in hand to find Mayu trying to stop you from jumping

"Mayu! What are you doing?! Get away from them!"

Yuri rushes over to her, trying to pull her back from the edge of the building. 

"Let me go! I need to save her! Please Yuri!"

Hearing the desperation in her voice, Yuri lets her go and joins her to stop you from jumping. You struggle in their arms, needing to complete the command that was displaying on the screen. 

"Stop! You're going to die!"

Mayu tried to reach your subconscious but it wasn't working. The mask had a powerful hold on you. 

"Listen to her! You need to stop!"

As the word 'stop' comes out of Yuri's mouth, the program in your mask starts to fail. It cycles between all three moves until eventually it settles for hibernation. Once it does, you stop resisting, making the three of them fall back to the floor of the roof. 

"What happened?"

Yuri asked while looking over at you. 

"I think she went into hibernation mode."


In need of a location to wake you up, the two of them dragged you to one of the lower floors of one of the building. While Mayu laid you down on the bed, Yuri made sure that the door was locked.

"You've never wanted to save an angel before. Why her?"

Yuri asked Mayu after walking back to the two of you. She didn't miss how Mayu had been holding on to your hand tightly. 

"I knew her before I was pulled into this dimension. She....she's an ex of mine. We dated for a couple of years before breaking up when she went to a college out of the city."

Yuri takes a seat besides Mayu and looks over at you. 

"Are you ready to wake her up?"

"I....I don't know. I'm scared about what might be in her mind. We didn't break off in the best of terms."

"Mayu, you obviously still care about her and she still cares about you if she was able to stop herself when she realized it was you."

Mayu sighs and nods. 

"Okay, I'm ready."

Yuri takes your hand and Mayu's before entering your mind. 


Anime Imagines (FxF)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें