15🔥Jetlag hit like a truck

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Thalia hated jetlag with a passion. God it was the worst thing to ever exist. It was even worse than exams and that was saying something. However there wasn't really anything that she could do to get rid of it. They say that for every hour that changes it takes a day to recover. Thalia was only in Texas for roughly a week so the majority of her time in Texas would be recovering from Jetlag. Life really hated her at this point. 

She then realised that her head was on a pillow and she had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She didn't understand how she had gotten over there but once she looked up she noticed Owen sitting across her with his own laptop in front of him.

"Uh I'm guessing I fell asleep then?"

"Yeah, you did. You've missed lunch but we had a big breakfast so I figured it wouldn't really matter."

Thalia nodded before wiping her eyes.

"Yeah sorry. Jetlag hit me like a truck."

"That's understandable, there's a 5 hour time difference isn't there?"

"Uh 6 actually"

Owen nodded before closing his laptop lid.

"Uh Thalia I have something to tell you. It isn't anything really bad, I promise."

"Um, can I go to the loo first?"

"Did you seriously just say 'loo'?" TK had just walked in and was grinning at her.

"Oh yeah, just make fun of the British girl"

"Because you've never made fun of me for being American!"

"You're American, I don't need to take the mick out of you. You guys look silly enough anyway."

"Take the mick? God Dad it's like she's speaking another language..."

They both suddenly looked at Owen who was ignoring them and looking at his phone. Noticing that they had fallen silent he looked up.

"Sorry what's going on?"

"TK is taking the piss out of me..."

TK gasped at Thalia's sentence.

"Taking the piss? What does that even mean?"

"Great thing about being British is that Americans don't understand the rude English words."
Thalia muttered before she started to leave and go to the toilet.

"Did you swear? Dad, did she swear? Dad, you need to tell off!"

"I'm not getting involved!"
TK just groaned at his Dad and sat down in the chair next to where Thalia had been.

"So what are you talking to her about?"

Owen looked towards the door to make sure that Thalia wasn't there before he replied.

"I'm going to tell her about my cancer. I want to tell her and not have find out the wrong way. Like what happened with you."

"Well to be honest I don't think she's going to go looking through your draws to find a pack of gum."

Owen was about to reply when Thalia walked in.

"So uh what do you want to talk about, because not going to lie it is a tiny bit scary when someone says they want to tell someone something."

TK chuckles before remembering what his Dad is about to tell Thalia.

"I was in New York when I started coughing and feeling sick. I went to the doctors and they looked out. Turns out it was lung cancer."

Thalia gasps but Owen continues speaking.

"I've been having chemo since we arrived here in Texas. Everything's alright and the treatment seems to be working. There is no need to worry but I thought that you might to know."

"Oh, are you sure that everything's going to be alright."

Owen nods and then turns to TK.

"By the way your mom is coming to stay in a week and a bit."

TK sits there in shock while Thalia just laughs at his face.

"Someone's in troubleeeeeeeeeee"

"What? No I'm not!"

TK waits a second and then turns around to face his Dad.

"I'm not right?"

Owen laughs before shaking his head. He is really happy that TK and Thalia get along, even if they don't act like it all the time.

"No, she's coming to check on you because of your gunshot wound and she's also checking on me because of my cancer."

They all fall silent and get back to doing their own stuff. Thalia is on her laptop, Owen is going between his laptop and his phone while TK is on his phone.

"Are you sure everything with the cancer is alright?"
Thalia suddenly breaks the comfortable silence. 

"Yes, I'm 100% sure."

Thalia nods at this and goes back to her laptop screen while TK and Owen share a look.

"Do you want to go look at a Uni tomorrow Thals?"

Thalia nods her head before telling TK which Uni they'll go to.

"I have a shift tomorrow. How will you two get there?"

"Carlos has a day off so I think he'll be alright taking us. If not we can wait for another day."

"Oh great, I'll be third wheeling then...."

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