20🔥Bloody Microwave

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Thalia stayed the night again.  She quite liked staying at her Dad's. It made her feel like she had a proper family and that felt good. Even if she was only going to have this family for less than a week. TK, Carlos and her made plans to go to another University so that she could check out another while she was in Texas. It would be a lot easier to see it while she was here rather than in the UK!

TK had attempted to cook them dinner but Carlos had to help him quite a bit and there were a few more things in the bin than there were before he started cooking. Eventually a meal that wasn't burnt or unintentionally poisoned was made. Thalia mocked TK a bit for this but then shut up when TK told her that she could make the next meal. Thalia couldn't cook for her life and TK knew that. 

Carlos had to go home after the meal but Thalia and TK stayed up a bit and watched a film. This time it was a film that both Thalia and TK were interested in. However Thalia and TK were so tired from their day out that they had both fallen asleep before the film was even halfway. 


Owen had just gotten in from his shift and he was exhausted. He didn't expect to see both Thalia and TK asleep on the sofa with the TV on some random show. He didn't know how long they had been asleep but he grabbed two blankets from TK's room and put one over TK and one over Thalia.  He then went to bed himself but left a note on the kitchen saying that he was back from his shift.

Thalia woke up a few hours after Owen got back with the biggest crick in her neck. TK was no longer there but the blanket that had been covering him was still there. Thalia then made her way into the kitchen. She saw that TK was sitting there eating breakfast.

"I didn't want to wake you from the first lay in that you've had in America..."

Thalia just nodded before grabbing a glass from a cupboard.

"Dad got teabags from the 126. So if you want tea there is some."

"Oh thank God. I don't know if I would be able to survive much longer without tea. So Owen's back from his shift?"

TK just nodded before he continued to eat his breakfast. Thalia was grabbing some cereal when TK stopped eating for a few minutes.

"So I have a question for you?"

Thalia just hummed in response.

"So why do you have Strand as your surname?"

Thalia just sat for a few minutes in thought. TK was about to repeat the question when Thalia opened her mouth to respond.

"I don't actually know why. Whenever I asked Mum why I didn't have the same surname as her she would just change the topic. As you know she didn't really like Owen so she never talked about him."

Thalia and TK continued to sit in silence until Thalia got up to make herself a cup of tea.

"So where's the kettle?"


"Yeah kettle. You know to heat the water up?"

"Never heard of a kettle..... Maybe you could heat it up in the microwave?"

"Omg, you Americans really are barbaric."

"What?! No way..."

"Really how are you not barbaric. First you guys like never have tea and then you don't even own kettles. Finally you suggest to heat up the water in the bloody microwave. I can't believe you."

"Hey, hey. The microwave has not got blood on it."

"That isn't what I meant...."

"Oh well then what did you mean?"

"I'm am not going to tell what that means otherwise you will be telling me off for swearing."


Unknown to both, TK and Thalia, Owen had woken up and was now just entering the kitchen.

"You two never stop arguing do you?"

Thalia leapt up into the air and TK fell off his chair. He landed on the floor with a groan as he had slightly landed on his shoulder.

"God, you scared the life out of me." 

Owen smiled at this.

"So how did the Uni go yesterday?"

TK groaned at Owen's question so Owen assumed that it had gone badly but then when he turned to face Thalia he saw that she had the biggest smile on her face.

"Oh my days. It was amazing. Definitely the best Uni that I have ever seen...."

"That's great... So are you going to go there then."

"Well Tyler Kennedy over here says that I need to go to and check out another university here in America just to double check. But I really want to go to it so..."

"Did you have to use my full name in that sentence."

Thalia smiles at TK's sentence.

"Of course I had to. It annoys the hell out of you so why wouldn't I?"

"God you two, never shut up."

Everybody laughed at that.

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