~ Chapter 17 ~

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Asami pov

"Morning everyone, gomen ne. I didnt mean to be this late." Keiko sensei entered the room with a lot of papers in her hands.

"That's okay." Narisu spoke for us as we all went to take our seats

"Right. First, announcements." Sensei clapped her hands with her thinking face on "We haven't been a class for long and soon a new semester will start. Usually kids go up a grade, but for you guys, you're stuck with me until you can join the graduating class. Or graduate early." She hummed "That being said, since we've done nothing but work, how does a field trip sound?"

"Ohh!" Everyone got excited, myself included.

"What do you have in mind sensei?" Kenta asked eyes shining the brightest out of the triplets.

"Have any of you been to Kyoto, to visit the historical sights? Of a time before quirks?"


"I have. It's not as nice." Momoko sighed pouting "the food is good though."

"Then how about we go on a picnic?"

"Oh? Where?" Sensei paused paling.

"I...don't know.." she laughed nervously.

"Haha." We laughed

"What about visiting a hero school? You know, get a tour around one of our possible schools. Like Shinketsu. " Nobuko gave an idea.

"Is that the school you're aiming for Nobuko?"

"Yep! Mine too!" Nobuo pointed to himself.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea."

"It doesn't but I think that's a field trip for next semester."

"Eh? Why do you say that Todoroki-San?"

"Think about it. The term is almost over. Hero schools third years are preparing to leave school to be heroes while the school is also preparing to greet new potential heroes. They'll be busy so we have to wait a bit."

"Ah, you're right."

"Buzzkill Asami! Buzz kill!!" Kichirou pouted.

"Then, a day at the beach?" Ryouta asked.

"That's a great idea!"

"I don't mind!"

"We've never been to the beach yet!" The triplets chimed in.

"Us either." The twins pouted.

"Um, I'll see what I can do."

"Tou-san can pay for it." I added.

"Asammii! You're the best!"

"Was I not just a buzzkill?" I dead planned at Kichirou.

"Wait...sensei, you didnt say roll call." Aoi reminded our semi absent minded teacher.

"Oh! You're right. Gomen!" Sensei rushed back to her desk picking up her clipboard.

"Aoi Yashu"


"Akira Tahoma."


"Arita Kenta, Kaede, Kazuto"

"Here!!!" They practically yelled seeing who was the loudest. Kaede won.

"Daiski Kichirou"


"Hashiyama Ryouta."


"Ichiro Takumi"


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