~ Chapter 25~

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Let the festival...


Asami pov

"Come on Asami, we have to go." Shoto sighed.

"But it's so early...why?" I groaned. I checked the time before it's literally half five in the morning.

"Because we have to get there early."

"Sho...it's half five in the morning. The festival doesn't start until about half seven."

"Hai.  I have to be there an hour earlier."

"It's not six yet..."

"I know. Gomen...but if we don't leave now. We'll be stuck in a car with him." My body stiffened.

After our fight when I ran away to try and gain control over my quirk. I've avoided tou-san. The only time we spoke was when he found me in Touya's old room, even then he barely looked at me.

It was obvious Shoto was trying to keep him as far from me as possible and I myself wasn't ready to face him either. With the shock of having a brother older than Natsuo and the thoughts that came with it I knew it best to avoid him. I'm not sure if I opened wounds in tou-san but I didn't want to find out.

"Carry me?" I asked giving up puppy dog eyes. Shoto sighed.

"Change first." I nodded and he left the room.

I took a quick shower and placed on the outfit Fuyumi chose for me to wear. I wore a pretty light blue skirt with a dark blue top to go under the straps of that also came with the skirt. I placed on low cut sneakers grabbed my tiny carry bag that had my phone, a charger and hair ties since I usally end up bursting mine. Kaa-san said to always carry extra. I also took money.

Once finished I ran to meet Shoto at the door. He stared silently at me for a moment before nodding and taking my head.

"We're leaving." He called out.

"Hai. Good luck! Do your best ne?" Fuyumi waved from where she stood in the door beside the entrance.

We got in the car and Shoto passed me a bento. I took it happily and ate the breakfast Fuyumi made. Once finished I passed it back to him and he placed it in a bag. Though the school wasn't far, and the ride didn't take long. I still managed to fall asleep.

I wasn't in a deep sleep so I could hear shifting around me. I felt the hot and cold hands of Shoto lift me up and I wrapped myself around him so I won't fall or cause him to fall.

He was walking so I assumed we had made it to the stadium already. Or was it his school. Pretty sure he had to go to school first. A door opened and Shoto shifted around before he moved me around too. I groaned not ready to wake up when he placed his cold hand atop my head.

"Sleep, I'll wake you when I need to." I humed back this time falling into a deeper sleep than before.


"Asami...wake up." Warm hands were stroking my face making me hold into it and snuggle into the heat. "Come on. Wake up."

I hummed softly blinking open my eyes to see Shoto. It took a moment but I realized that voices were around us and we were no longer in the room alone. I shifted sitting up on Shoto's lap. I rubbed one of my eyes only to have my hand pulled away.

"Is it starting?" I blinked away my tiredness seeing all of class 1-A now in the room talking amongst themselves.

"In the next ten or so minutes. Which means you have to go on the stands." I nodded.

"Hai." I got my bag off the table and Shoto set me down. I combed through my hair with my fingers then gave Shoto a smile.

"Do your best!" He nodded not really paying attention to me as his eyes were on Midoriya.

I could see the competitiveness in his eyes so I decided to leave him. I walked away about to leave the room when I turned around.

"Give it your all, class 1-A!" That got everyone's attention "Everyone is looking at you! Give them a reason to watch." I waved leaving the room.

I missed Shoto's eye roll and slight smirk. I missed Kirishima and Kaminari's dramatic tear drop and Mina's squealing. I missed half the others laughing about being more pumped than nervous now.  I wish I had missed the scary grin Bakugou wore on his face. I shivered.

He's definitely competitive.

I sighed walking down the halls. I took out a juice box and iced my hand so it can get cold. Once it was I began drinking it as I located where tou-san was through his heat signature. For this I had to cool down my temperature. I sensed his overboard heat signature a few halls down from where I was and he was above me too.

After walking and climbing about three flights of steps I made it to a stand where Tou-san sat near a skinny man. He looked half dead. I greeted the heroes that were there then made my way to stand in front of him. He glared down at me.

"What do you-" I placed my hand on his, placing it right where the flames flickered on his wrist. Heat surged through my body and the tips of my hair caught on fire before it outed.

"Heating up faster." I turned walking to the edge.

As if on que Present Mic's voice sounded all around the stadium.

"GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY!!! THE SPORTS FESTIVAL HAS BEGUN!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, the mic and his quirk. "It's the freshman stage! And the students are making their way now!" He announced a bit more calm, not by very much though.

As he said the students began to emerge class by class. I focused on class 1-A. Present Mic placed all the attention on class 1-A. The other students didn't look too happy about that and- oh my gosh what is this woman wearing!?

On a stage stood a woman with a whip dressed in odd clothes. Clothes that she seemed bound in. How does she dress herself? I heard someone mention her name as the R-rated hero. Midnight.

"Now, player rep! Bakugou Katsuki of class 1-A!!" She screamed obviously irritated by something the students said.

"Sensei...I'm gonna win." Katsuki announced as his speech. I laughed as all the classes went into an uproar at his words. "You'll all make great stepping stones I'm sure." I laughed louder practically seeing the steam coming off of the students and the dread off class 1-A.

"All right!! With that, we can being the first event!" Midnight announced not missing a beat "Onto the preliminaries! Lots of fine folk end up chocking on their tears here every year!" The screen popped up and was spinning "and the first even is...this!" On the screen the words obstacle rave appeared.

Midnight gathered all the students at the wall. It was narrow and quite obvious that they're all going to get stuck in there one way or the other.


"STTARRTTT!!!" Present Mic yelled in time with a buzzer and the students were off.

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