chapter 16

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THE MOMENT SHE saw her brothers leaning against the car with a pissed expression on their faces, a grin placed itself onto her lips

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THE MOMENT SHE saw her brothers leaning against the car with a pissed expression on their faces, a grin placed itself onto her lips.

She happily skipped towards them with her hands in her pockets and her bag dangling behind her. It was finally the end of the first day of her new school and she had managed to evade her brothers throughout the whole duration.

Lunch was a hustle. She had to hide at every corner and constantly look over her shoulder but it was worth it. The look on her brothers' face was priceless. She would do it again if it meant successfully pissing them off.

The three glared at her as she approached but she just smirked in return. She wasn't bothered in the slightest. Serves them right for sending people after her.

"And what are my dear brothers doing on such a fine afternoon?" She asked and clapped her hands together in false cheeriness.

"Zara." Ben gritted, warning her to not get on his nerves. Oh well, sadly for him, thats what she did best.

"Yes?" She questioned and blinked innocently up at them, as if she hadn't spent the whole lunch break running away from them and their friends.

Sil sighed, frustrated,"Get in." He grunted and slid in the driver's seat, shortly followed by her other two brothers. Zara lingered for a moment before sliding in herself.

The moment she closed the door behind her, Sil sped off. Zara leaned back in her seat and exhaled, her hands unconsciously gripping onto the leather seats. She hated when someone drove past their speed limit but she wasn't about to comment on that.

Instead she found Ben glaring at her through the rear view mirror,"Where were you during lunch?" He spat.

She shrugged,"You know, here and there. Running from the people you sent after me and trying to eat my lunch in between."

His glare hardened,"You couldn't have just come along silently and eat with us, could you?"

She glared back, dropping the cheerful act,"And you just had to send people after me, right? Like I am some violent animal you need to keep under your gaze every second." She hissed.

Sil's jaw clenched,"We just don't want you to get yourself in any trouble. Is it too much of a deal to eat with us? Are you ashamed to be associated with us?"

"No, but I don't want you guys to associate yourself with me. I just want to spend my high school years without any trouble or unnecessary attention." She defended.

"Excuses, excuses. Why can't you just say the truth, Z?" Tino asked from beside her. That was the final straw.

"For fuck's sake!" Zara exclaimed and threw her hands up,"I can't deal with all that attention. Unless you want me to have a panic attack in the middle of the cafeteria you should let me eat in peace!"

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