chapter 25

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Zara passed Tino a mocking smile while she stood beside him, staring at the big fancy gym in front of them which she didn't even know existed till a minute ago.

Her day had started fantastically. If one counted being woken up at eight on a weekend, getting some eggs shoved down one's throat while they are still half asleep and then being dragged to the gym at nine fantastic.

Zara didn't. So it was safe to say that her day had started horribly. She didn't want to do anything with these machines and simply go back to her bed. Yet here she was in a shirt and some joggers, ready for the productive day ahead.

Even Nugget had abandoned her. The animal had to sleep at that exact moment. Sneaky little Nug.


"Very. It isn't like I can feel myself dying every second we stand here and would possibly disintegrate by the time we reach a machine. Everythings just peachy." She grumbled.

Tino cracked a grin at her overdramatic show and lightly shoved her shoulder with his own, "Oh lighten up, Z. It's just some exercise. You might even enjoy it!" He tried to motivate her.

It didn't work.

"Come on, kids. You are taking too much time. Enter already!" Raph called from within the gym, trying to show his dominance as the eldest of the moment. He was enjoying the role a little too much.

Tino pressed a sloppy kiss on her cheek ("you'll be fine!") before taking her hand and dragging her inside despite her reluctance. She ran a string of curses under her breath but Tino's amused smile told her that he was enjoying the show along with the free commentary.

Ben gave them an irritated look as they approached him where he was setting some commands up, "You took your sweet time."

Tino shrugged, "Z was taking too much time to get ready."

"That's true," Zara confirmed, not even trying to lie. They knew of her reluctance to enter this gym.

Ben rolled his eyes, "We've been waiting for half an hour. Come on, let's get started."

"You guys are aliens. No normal human gets up at five on a weekend for exercising and shows this much enthusiasm." Zara commented dryly.

The three chuckled and Raph put an arm around her shoulders, "Come on. Don't stall anymore." He led her towards a treadmill.

"Hey, how about this?" Zara questioned, adding a pinch of excitement in her voice, "I sit in that corner over there silently on my phone while you three exercise. Sounds good? Yeah, thanks." She moved to get away but Raph tightened his hold, sending her an amused grin.

"Don't try to get out of this. Sal has given us clear orders to include you in our session."

"Ugh." She groaned, "I really don't want to. I'll probably faint or something."

Zara Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя