22. Explanation

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Pilot let the way back to the room.

My freedom was gone the moment I stepped into the lab with Mike and I knew I wouldn't be allowed to walk the halls alone again. I would forever be in someone's eyesight until they decided otherwise.

I'd never even pictured myself ending up back at EDIN. I swore the last time I came really was the last, and yet, there I was giving them what they wanted.

It wasn't the first time I'd wondered whether the right people were there either, whether their best intentions were at the forefront of their projects.

I pushed open the door as Pilot held back. My stare fell on Chris who lay on the bed, his legs were bent at the knees and crossed over one another.

At least one of us was relaxed.

He held a book in one hand, concealing the cover. His face peered around it as I stepped into the room.

"I've turned the security camera back on in here," Pilot said his parting words, darting warning eyes between the two of us. "It would be in both of your best interests to leave it on."

As he closed the door shut behind him, I turned back to Chris and shrugged.

"He seems pretty young, don't you think?" he questioned, closing the book.

"Who? Pilot?" I shrugged. "I never thought to ask... What are you reading anyway?"

"Nothing decent," he scowled. "Best bloody brains in the world and nothing to entertain them."

I pressed my brows together, tilting my head to the book that lay against his legs. "Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies?"

His eyes rolled. "Look, you have to take whatever you can get."

"Suit yourself," I shrugged and walked to sit across from him on my own bed.

Chris sat up almost instantly, leaning forwards. "So, what happened? You were gone for ages."

"I'm immune," I shrugged again.

He frowned. "Yeah," he nodded, waiting for more. "We all knew that already... At least, I thought that part was assumed."

"Well, now their tiny scientific brains are positive."

"Wait," he scowled. "What did they do to you?" He was leaning in closer, suddenly more interested.

I moved my arm so he could see the white bandage taped across it. "They injected me," I said.

"Jesus," he exhaled. "What did it feel like?"

I shook my head, rubbing at my temples. The exhaustion was starting to take over and I just needed sleep.

"It felt like my whole body was on fire and it would never end until it took over completely. I guess that's what they all go through- What Em went through. It just seems unfair that I came out of it... like it released me."

"That's a big step though, right? They're certain your body can fight it off."

I nodded. "Yeah, but you know what this means, right?"

He only shrugged as a blank stare crossed his face. "No... What does it mean?"

"It means I can't leave here, Chris."

I blinked, patiently waiting for him to understand, waiting for the cogs to click into place. When they didn't, I continued.

"Ever... Not even to get the message back to Carnelian. To Will."

"Oh," he said, nodding as if he understood. "How are we going to do that then? Will has to know what's going on."

I cocked my head, waiting.

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