Chapter 3 - Treatment

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Johnny carried you through the mansion. Inside it was dark and pretty cold. Almost no actual sunlight reached the gloomy halls. You wondered if this was the reason, illagers seemed so sickly pale.

Still being thrown over your kidnapper's shoulder, there wasn't much else for you to do, other then stare at the red carpet on the floor. Due to the way, Johnny was carrying you, you were almost upside down, making your blood pressure in your head rise, which again caused your wound to thump in pain and the dizziness to become worse.

You wondered where he was going. Should you ask? No, you were too afraid to do so.

A few minutes later you found out.

Johnny brought you to the second floor and into a small study. There was an empty table in the middle of the room, a desk -crowded with papers, potted plants and potion bottles- stood against one wall and an equally crowded shelf against another. It smelled strongly like a mix of chemicals and herbs.

You gulped. They weren't going to experiment on you, were they...? You began to tremble.

Johnny heaved you off his shoulder and before you knew, you were sitting on the empty table. Then he looked around, as if he was searching for someone.

Still anxious, you did the same, trying to figure out what he was looking for.

Or rather: Who.

Because suddenly an evoker creeped out a shadowy corner, wearing an ominous smirk. You flinched, not expecting him to be there.

"Ah, Johnny. Hello! How can I help you?" He asked with an eerily smooth voice. Needles to say, you didn't like him one bit.

Johnny didn't return his smile. Instead he wordlessly pointed at your bloody temple. The evoker looked over to you, as if he just realized you existed.

"Ah, I see..." He walked around you a bit, eyeing you up and down, making you even more uncomfortable, than you already were.

"A trophy? From your last raid?" He asked Johnny.

"More or less...." Said vindicator reluctantly responded. "They will work around here."

"I see... I see..."

The evoker took your strawhat off. You would have resisted, weren't your hands tied together. Then he proceeded to take a closer look at your temple, mummbled something you didn't understand and went to his shelf.

He returned with a piece of cloth and a bottle with a clear liquid. You hoped it was water, but weren't so sure anymore, when the evoker opened the bottle and a sharp smell came from it.

"It's nothing too serious. I will clean it up with some alcohol and wrap some bandages around their head. Then they're good to go."

Johnny nodded and the evoker did as he said. He poured some of the liquid onto the cloth and dabbed it against your temple. First it wasn't too bad, but when he got too close to your actual wound, it stung like the Nether.

"O-Ow!" You hissed and flinched away.

"Oh, my bad. But I have to clean it, I'm sorry." The evoker tried to soothe you. However he didn't sound sorry in the slightest, so it didn't help you much.

"Hold still." Johnny scolded you. That made you move as much as a statue.

The evoker continued his treatment. You withstood the urge to flinch away, in fear of angering Johnny. Around three or four minutes later this torture was over. You were glad when the evoker closed his bottle again and stored it away.

"Now, some bandages...." Said mage mumbled and looked around on his shelf. However he couldn't seem to find any. After rummaging around for a little while longer, he turned to Johnny with an apologetic smile.

"Ah, my bad. Seems like I ran out of these. I'll have to get more from the main storage."

Johnny did not look pleased about that in the slightest, but preferred to stay silent.

Not wasting any more time, the evoker hurried off. Great. Now you were alone with Johnny. Slightly scared and nervous, you stared at your hands, that were still laying (and tied) in your lap, not daring to make any sounds.

Beside you, you heard Johnny sigh. Then a cold hand grabbedyour chin. Not exactly gently, but also not harshly. You flinched at the sudden contact.

"Relax, I'm not going hurt you agin." He grumbled. "Unless you want me too..."

You quickly shook your head no, as he made you look at him. Worriedly you stared at his face, wondering, what he could want. He just squinted his eyes and inspected your injury. You couldn't tell what he was feeling or thinking, his expression was unreadable.

"Does it hurt much?" Johnny asked eventually.

You just kinda gawked at him. Why would he ask? Why would he even care in the first place? Before you could open your mouth to answer however, the evoker came back with a box filled with bandages.

"And I'm back!" He exclaimed almost cheerfully. "Didn't take me that long, now did it?"

Johnny frowned and let go of you, taking a step back again. Secretly, you were greatful to get back some personal space. That greatfulness didn't last long, sadly, because a particular evoker invaded it again to finally wrap a clean bandage around your head.

"Good! Just come back in two days, so we can exchange the bandage for a new, clean one." With these words, the evoker let you and Johnny go. 

As you saw, that Johnny was about to pick you upagain, you quickly hopped down from the table, not wanting to be humiliated again. He seemed to be slightly surprised about that, but shrugged it off and grabbed your arm to show you the way.

Once again you found yourself being lead through the long hallways of the mansion. This time, Johnny took you downstairs again and to a small indoor farm, so it seemed.

He stopped in the doorway. "This will be your workplace. I expect you to do, what you can do best."

You stared at the abandoned field in shock. The soil looked dry and untilled and a few dry weeds were growing there too. Getting something useful to grow there would take a while.

"You can find your materials to work with in the chest over there." Johnny mentioned and pointed into a corner.


He nodded and untied your hands. Thankfully. The rope was beginning to cut into your wrists. "It's okay if you take it slow for today, seeing you had a bit of a tuff arrival." He grumbled .

You nodded. "O-Okay. Thank you..."

He waved you off. "Don't thank me too early (Lass/Lad)." Then he gave you a slight shove towards the field, indicating, that you should start to work now.

Someone in the hallway scoffed. "Take it slow...! That farmer better proves themself useful. Or I won't except another hungry mouth to feed, that doesn't participate in our community."

You flinched once again at that and dared to take a peek at the new speaker. It was another evoker, though clearly not the one from before. He seemed older and way.... grumpier. He eyed you with an almost disgusted scowl on his face, his eyes hard and cold like green glas.

Johnny turned his head to angrily glare at the evoker. 

"That's not only your decision, Derek." He spat.

Derek in return just made a displeased sound and kept walking down the hallway. What a jerk.

You found yourself scared again. Was he serious? Would they let you starve, if you didn't work hard enough...?

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