Chapter 6 - Morning Mishaps

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"Johnny! Johnny!!"

Loud banging on the door woke you up the next morning, together with Aaron's muffled voice yelling outside.

You slowly sat up and rubbed your eyes, watching Johnny, who went to the door and opened it.

Aaron stood in the doorframe (like you expected), a devastated and panicked look plastered across his face.

"Johnny, I can't find them...! Their cell was empty, I-I....!"

Johnny quickly shushed him by placing a hand over his mouth. "Relax, will you? (Y/n) is right here with me, in case you were panicking about them!"

Aaron blinked a couple times in astonishment. His wide eyes looked around the room before finally finding you on Johnny's bed. You were just looking back at him apologetically. You couldn't help but to feel sorry fo making him panic like this.

Before Aaron could say or ask anything about why and since when in the name of Herobrine you were here, Johnny already pushed him backwards out of his door.

"While you're already busying yourself with running around, why don't you go down into the kitchen and bring me some breakfast? And bring the villager (girl/boy/any word of your choice) a portion as well, aye?", Johnny muttered at him.

Then he just closed the door right into Aaron's face. Poor dude.

But also strange. It seemed like Johnny didn't want him around at all. Were the two not liking each other?

Well... That one was pretty obvious now, to be honest.

You confusedly stared at the vindicator, who simply ignored your presence and slowly made his way back to his desk. Has he sat there the entire night? Did he sleep there, or did he pull an all-nighter of work?

Well, the dark shadows under his eyes won't give you much of an answer, since those were always there. And he always looked like he was either tired or annoyed. You haver never seen his facial expression differ to far from one of the two. No one ever has, probably.

You would chuckle at that slightly amusing thought, but didn't fully feel like it. You weren't feeling comfortable enough around Johnny yet.

Instead of pondering about how awkward and weird it was, that you slept in your kidnappers bed, you rather busied yourself with taking a look out of the window.

The sun was up and painted the morning sky in a pretty blue with greyish stripes of fog arising from the dark, leafy canopy of the forest. The top floor of the mansion was higher than the dark oak trees, and you had a good view of the sun.

Oh, how much you missed the warmth of its rays. To be outside and feel the tingly sensation of wind and light brush over your exposed skin.

A yearning sigh escaped your lips, making Johnny turn around to you.

"What are you sighing about now?", he asked impatiently, catching you off guard. You hadn't expected him to pay any attention to you at all.

Unsure about wether or not you should tell him your thoughts, you nervously fumbled with your thumbs and looked down at them.

"I was just watching the sun a-and I.....", you mumbled quietly, before your small voice trailed off.

"And you...?", Johnny prompted, still impatient and raising an eyebrow.

"And I suddenly missed its warmth...", you admitted shyly, your voice now very silent, barely audible.

Lucky for you, Johnny had heard you just fine. But for a moment or two he just stared at you blank faced without showing any signs of a reaction.

You were almost scared he would start to laugh at you for having such a childish craving, for wanting to feel the sun again.

Then again, who are you to blame? You used to wander underneath its golden rays almost every day. No wonder you missed it now.

Eventually Johnny heaved a sigh himself and turned back to his crowded desk, flipping a map around.

"I'll see if I can arrange anything.", he finally mumbled after another moment of silence, "But don't get your hopes up, I'm not promising you anything."

Unbeknownst to him - since he had his back turned to you now- you nodded happily. After four days of being stuck here, you found yourself looking forward to something for once.

Just then a knock on the door was audible. Must be Aaron back with some breakfast.

"What are you waiting for? Go open the door!", Johnny ordered you around.

You flinched, realizing you were still sitting in his bed, like a lazy little kid. So you hastily got up and opened the door, without putting your hat or shoes on. The wooden floor was slightly cold against your bare feet.

In the doorway stood indeed Aaron, holding two bowls of a grey, slimy substance.

"Here you go.", he said with a friendly smile, handing you both portions.

As you eyed them questioningly, his smile turned into an apologetic one and he scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah... Doesn't look to appetizing, does it? Well, I'm sorry about that, but the cooks down there only had some porridge for breakfast left... At least they're calling whatever the hell this is porridge..."

Aaron scrunched up his nose in disgust as he spoke.

You could tell this meal wasn't going to be great.

In the corner of your eye you saw Johnny pulling the same face as Aaron, when he saw the "porridge".

"I genuinely don't want to know what they mix in there to make it look like this...", the vindicator mumbled from his seat at the desk.

Aaron's head perked up and he faced Johnny. "Say, when (Y/n) is done eating, I can take them back down to the farming room, right?"

"No." Johnny simply replied.

Aaron tilted his head. "Excuse me?"

"I said no." You could tell the vindicator was growing impatient again. "They will not be going into the farming room today. At least not for now. I have to attend a meeting with the high council later. They want to see and meet the farmer for themselves. Don't ask me why."

You let your shouders drop, feeling the sudden urge to sit down and take a breather. However you remained standing.

Was this good news? Was this bad news?

Aaron frowned. "They want to decide whether or not they can stay, right?"

Ah, it was semi-good, semi-bad news. Great, now you grew very nervous again.

Johnny sighed in annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Yes, and the council better let them stay, or they will have one vindicator less, that plans and initiates raids for them to keep this place going."

You gasped silently and almost dropped the bowls with the "porridge". So Johnny has been the one and only, who had initiated the raid on your village!

Even though you halfway expected it to be like this, you felt a sharp sting in your chest.

Johnny must have noticed your sudden drop in mood, because he now shooed Aaron out of his room for the second time this morning and told him to go train with the other members of his party. After that he took one of the bowls from your hands, to sit down in his ususal seat again and began to eat.

He told you to do the same, so you sat down on his bed once more and slowly moved a full spoon towards your mouth, your thoughts racing but still circling around one and the same fact, that you've just learned.

Johnny was responsible for planning raids here and with him probably a couple more vindicators. Each seemingly having their own parties of pillagers to command.

The "porridge" wasn't tasting awful, like you feared. It actually tasted like nothing.

And despite its slimy texture you had a hard time getting it down your now tight-feeling throat.

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