Chapter 16: Cory - The Fifth Day

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We'd just completed our meeting and our training for the day and it was already dinner time. But I wasn't feeling hungry. I tried to come up with an excuse to get out of going to dinner with Meredith and Rose, but again, Rose wouldn't let me out of it. I told her I was tired and just wanted to sleep, but she told me she wouldn't let me go home to "wallow in self pity."

"Go pick up Sophie from her friend's house, and we can all meet for dinner. We can meet at my house. I'll have Raven cook something, I'd offer to do it, but I don't think any of us want to have food poisoning in the morning."

So I was walking to pick up Sophie while regretting every step. Rose was right. I did want to just go home and wallow in my own self pity. I was physically and mentally exhausted and the last thing I wanted to do was attend a social gathering. But Meredith was right when she said Rose was not one to take no for an answer. And it would be good for Sophie to spend time with other people besides her friend's family and me.

I knocked on her friend's door and Sophie opened it. When she saw me standing on the doorstep, she flung herself into my arms. I picked her up and held the back of her head with my hand. She was the only thing that brought a smile to face, that brought any joy to my life over the past few days. I've never been more grateful for her.

I thanked the parents once again for watching Sophie before setting her down, grabbing her hand, and heading toward Rose's house. When we didn't make the turn that lead to our home, Sophie looked up at me. "Where are we going, Cory?"

"We got invited to a little party." I said, trying to sound excited.

"A party?" She squealed in delight, hopping from one foot to another excitedly, "What's the theme?"

I let out a genuine chuckle. "I don't think there's a theme."

She sighed disappointedly. "I've always wanted to a party with a theme."

"Well," I began, knowing just the way to excite her again, "it's a big kid party. You're the only one who was invited who is not a big kid."

"Really?" She squeaked. "A big kid party?"

"Yep. And the host of the party said it wouldn't be a real party without little miss Sophie."

"Wow." She said, practically skipping along next to me.

I felt myself smiling in amusement and happiness, a feeling I was not feeling much of lately. But as I watch Sophie skipping toward Rose's, her hand swinging back and forth in mine, I couldn't help but smile.

I let Sophie knock on the door when we arrived. It was Raven who answered, a wide grin appeared on her face when she saw Sophie. "Hey kiddo! So glad you could make it." She moved to the side to let us in. "I hope you like baked potatoes. I'm making a baked potato bar, it won't be ready for a while though. You and Cory go make yourselves comfortable in our living room. Rose and Meredith are already in there."

Sophie whipped her head in my direction upon hearing Meredith's name, and gave me a mischievous smile. "Don't start." I whispered. She giggled impishly in response and I was nervous for what was going to be said at this dinner gathering.

When we walked in to the living room, I saw that only two spots were open, one next to Meredith, and one next to Rose. Sophie noticed too, and she sprinted to claim the spot next to Rose, forcing me to either sit next to Meredith, or to sit on the floor. I truly considered sitting on the floor for a good couple of seconds before I decided to bite the bullet and just sit next to Meredith. I sat as far away from Meredith as I could, yet I was still much closer than her than I wanted to be. Our hips were touching and whenever one of us moved, our knees knocked together.

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