Chapter 6: Cory-The Second Day

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As soon as I got back home, (if I could still even call it with more than half of my family missing from it), I went to see Sophie before I went to my first meeting. When she saw me, she jumped into my arms and buried her head in my shoulder, clinging desperately to me as if I might disappear. "Is Bethany okay? I got her letter. And where is Benjamin? He hasn't been by to visit me. Is he doing okay? Is something wrong with him?"

I held her for a few extra moments before breaking the news to her. I'd missed her, and I wanted to keep her wrapped within my arms for a few moments longer before we parted again. "Benjamin went back with Bethany."

She pulled away from my shoulder and looked up at me, eyes wide with worry. I hated to see her look so afraid. She's been through so much, she's lived in fear her entire life, and when we arrived here, the fear was supposed to stop. But it hadn't. "But Bethany said he couldn't go. She said she wanted him to stay safe here."

"She did." I explained, "But he didn't want Bethany to go back there all alone."

"So, it's just you and me?" she asked, her large eyes filled with worry and sadness. She already lost the most important people in her life, and now there was a possibility that she could lose two of the people who have done their best to act as a replacement for those people.

"For now." I said, trying to reassure her. "But we will only be by ourselves for less than two weeks. Then we will all be back together. Okay? We'll be together as a family again in no time." She nodded her head, but I could tell she wasn't completely reassured. I could still see the concern and fear in her eyes.

I took her out for ice cream before bringing her back to her friend's house so I could attend the meeting. "I'll be back this evening, okay?" I promised her. "I'll pick you up and we will go home together. I'll read you as many bedtime stories as you want. Deal?"

She nodded again, looking nowhere near as happy as she usually looks when we discuss reading together. I kissed the top of her head, making a silent vow to put a smile back on her face as soon as I could.

Then, I headed off to our first meeting. I was the last one to arrive. There were about thirty of us present, but I still only knew the names of a few of them, which I know was terrible of me, because I've been attending meetings with them and training with them for months. But, my mind was full of more pressing matters than learning their names.

My eyes found the members of the group I knew best. Jackson, Rose, Raven, Eric and Meredith. Raven ran over to me and hugged me when she laid eyes on me, and then began bombarding me with questions. "How were they when you left? Did they hurt them? Do you think they'll be okay? Is it true that they will be there for ten days?"

I paused, not knowing which question to answer first. "Uh-"

"You're going to confuse the boy." Meredith said, a teasing smile playing on her lips. "He can't think of a response if you ask so many questions at once. He's simple." I shot her a glare, which she ignored. "She's already asked Jackson and Rose the same questions, so she already knows the answers."

"Can it, Meredith. I'm allowed to ask as many people as many questions as I'd like. I'm worried about my friends."

Meredith ignored her. "How are you holding up?"

I pointed at my chest, confused. "Me?"

She rolled her eyes at me. "Yes, you. You just got back from leaving your two best friends to be tortured in Richardson's prison. Who else would I be asking?"

I looked around at all of the people staring at me, awaiting my response. "You can probably guess how well I'm doing." I answered.

She nodded and gave me a sad, empathetic smile which I did not return. "By the way, how did Benjamin convince you to let him tag along? Not that I'm judging you for helping him. I told Bethany that she was wrong for taking away his choice. I'm just curious how he convinced you."

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