Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the story

     After having the hero's over, Ben is excited to get back into the hero business. He needs something to do and distract himself. He may have had a week off and should have more time off but he needs something to distract himself and he doesn't want to get lazy. He was also excited to meet all the new hero's. He wants to work with them and save the day. He wants to inspire young kids and be there hero.

    After laying in bed for quite awhile, he checks the time. 11:28 am. He takes the covers off of him and sits up. He stays sitting down, just looking at his feet. Slowly the tears fall down his face. He covers his face and let's the tears roll down his face. He tries to keep quiet as to not worry Ship but he's unable to keep the whimpers down. As he cries more and more, Ben finds it to breathe at times.

    Ben can't seem to calm himself down so he just keeps crying and crying. He's been trying to keep strong and not cry but for some reason, today he wasn't able to. He had to release the tears and the pain, knowing everyone he loves, he cares about is gone and he'll never see them again. An hour goes by and the tears have reduced some.

   Ben tries to stand up, but gravity pushes him back down, as he topples to the ground, making a loud thud. He breaks down, crying even more then before. Ben's head starts pounding from all the crying. His eyes are red and puffy. After another hour of crying, Ben was able to calm down and stop the tears.

He checks the time. 1:15 pm. Ben stands up, getting off the semi dirty floor and walks out of his room. He goes into the bathroom and splashes his face with cold water, reducing the puffiness and red on his eyes. He brushes his teeth and goes to his living room. He sits down on the couch, not hungry. He goes onto his phone to explore it. He downloads all the apps he would need.

"Have you made the zeta-tubes for Ben yet?" Superman asks

"I've started it but it's not finished yet." Batman said. "I'm working on his suit though."

"It is a work in progress for us getting Ben situated." Manhunter says

"Well it is harder since he still is a kid." Wonder Woman said

"Are we sure, it's a good idea to let him join, like Wonder Woman said he's still a kid." Green Lantern said

"Yea, a kid who could take us all out, with barely any injuries on him." Flash reminded him

"Flash is right, he may just be a kid, but he is way more powerful then we thought, he probably went easy of the thangariens." Superman said

"Your right there, he could've easily killed Talak but he didn't." Green Lantern recalled

"He's a hero, he doesn't kill people." Batman responded

"He's also been doing this since he was 10. He had plumber training, which includes basic hand to hand combat and there not allowed to use their powers because it counts as cheating, and he said they had the strictest teacher and as punishments they cleaned the training room with toothbrushes, and trained with the Alpha team which is the strongest team and they've never lost before, while trying to find a criminal who was trying to kill the teacher." Wonder Woman recalled

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