Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the story

    The alarm on Ben's phone rings in his face. Ben grunts at the noise waking him up from the good sleep he got in a long time. Ben turns off the alarm looking at the time. 6:30 am. Ben slams his face in the pillow, making a loud dramatic sound.

    After two minutes of his face in the pillow, he turns around and hits himself to wake up. Getting up, he heads to the bathroom, splashing freezing cold water in his face. He messes with his hair and heads back to his room and goes to the dresser, grabbing his clothes. He puts on dark blue jeans, a green shirt and has a black leather jacket.

    He walks out of his room and goes into the kitchen and makes some cereal. He pours in the milk and grabs a spoon. He sits on the couch as the tv plays some cartoons that Ship was watching. He watches the cartoons as he finishes his breakfast. He cleans the bowl and spoon putting the away.

   He grabs his phone and checks the phone. 7:15 am. Ben dramatically sighs, as he grabs his black shoes. He puts on white socks and his black shoes. He grabs his phone and his backpack double checking he has everything. He quickly brushes his teeth. He says goodbye to Ship and walks out the door.

   He walks along the sidewalk, seeing other kids walking to school. After a couple of minutes of walking, not really talking to anyone, he arrives at school. He walks into the main office, seeing a lady working at the front desk. He walks up to it knocking on the counter. She looks up, hearing the noise.

   "Hello there, how may I help you?" She asks

   "Um.. I'm new here. I'm here to get my schedule." Ben says

   "Oh of course. Welcome to our school. Let me just get your name so I can print your schedule." She says ready to type something up.

   "My name is Ben Tennyson." Ben replies with

   She types on the keyboard his name. She waits for it to load as Ben stands there awkwardly. "Oh! Here you are. Mkay everything seems to be in order, let me just print your schedule." She replied

   She walks to the printer as she hums a tune. She waits by the printer, humming a song. Ben does not know the song she is humming to but he finds it a little catchy. As the printer makes a ding sound, he grabs the printer and makes sure it's the right one. She walks back and sits down in her chair and hands Ben his schedule and locker number plus combination.

   "Here you are. Now are you planning on joint a club or sport. We should be having tryouts soon." She asks

   "Are you guys having tryouts for soccer?" Ben asks

   "Oh you play soccer! As a matter of a fact we are having tryouts. Here's the paper for it and I'll let the coach know your comping after school." The lady says

    "Ok. Thank you." Ben says walking away.

   Ben looks at his paper and starts to look for his locker. After looking through a couple of hallways and no one bothering to help him. He finds his locker. He opens it on the second try. He takes everything out of his backpack and puts them in the locker. He hangs up his bag. He checks his first class. History.

   He grabs his history notebook and some writing utensils. He closes his locker. He looks at the paper for the room number. After quite a walk, he finds the class. After a couple of deep breaths, he walks in. He looks around and finds the teacher. He walks up to him as he sits at his desk. The teacher looks up from his phone.

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