Chapter 22

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"Maddie," I sighed and hugged her.

The tears were freely rolling down my face as I bear hugged Maddie. 

Sniffling, I pulled away, "so, what's up?"

She laughed and pulled me back in for another hug. We wiped our tears off our faces and chuckled. We said our goodbyes to Gavin and went into Maddie's room. Her room hasn't changed much, but what caught my attention was the small, single bed in the corner of the room with a pink and light purple bedspread. My old bed, she kept it.   

"Kelly, I am so excited that you're here, but why? You said something about not being able to talk about it over the phone?"

"Oh, right" I paused, "well, I figured that I got kidnapped. I was in New York with my boyfriend and all I remember is fainting when he asked me about the sticky note. I had John, our computer wiz, look up your address so I could visit you."

"Oh, so you don't remember getting kidnapped?"

"No, not at all. I actually killed one of them and threaten another; and I stole car."

"Ok, well I'm sure my dad could help you get home. But before that, I remember you said boyfriend......"

"Oh yeah, his name is Stephan;" I smiled, "Stephan, OH MY GOD I HAVE TO CALL HIM! I don't know how long I was out for, maybe it's been days or weeks! He's probably going insane."

I quickly pulled out my phone and went to click his contact, but I don't have it anymore and I haven't memorized his phone number. I quickly shot up and opened the door widely. I ran down the familiar hallway and down the same stairs I constantly fell down as a kid. I quickly ran to IT room and knocked. 

"Entrez," a deep voice spoke.

I quickly recognized it as Maddie's dad, I forgot to tell him I was here. I twisted the door knob and entered the room to see Charles in all his glory. 

"Charles," I waved.

"Kelly? Kelly! Oh my god, what are you doing here? No one told me you were coming? Not even the new guards. Oh my god, did the young guy let you in? Jake? He's new here. Oh god, you're probably so disappointed in my new security." He put his head in his hands.

I laughed, "don't worry Charles, it's ok. And Jake didn't let me in, Sammy did."

"That old man is stronger than all of us combined."

I nodded my head in agreement, then quickly got back to the task in hand. 

"I was wondering if one of your guys could do me a favor?"

"Name it."

"Well, long story short I got kidnapped. I used my alias to get out and buy a new phone, then I called Maddie. My phone isn't secure so if you could, I would like you to secure it. I also want to contact my boyfriend, Stephan. I don't know how long it's been since I have been kidnapped, but I woke up today. I killed one guard, his name was Jason, and I threaten another into giving me his gun. I took a white Range Rover, the license plate is 4TG-H67 and it's outside in my spot; I'm not sure what you wanted me too do with it."

"Well, I'm sure I could get Stephan's number for you, and secure your phone in the process. Thank you for the car, I'm sure there are tracking devices to trace. Did they speak French?"

"Yeah, I thought it was odd that they did, but French is not their first languages. Jason sounded Russian almost."

"In that case, we have a problem on out hands. I need you to give me your phone and I'll give it to Steve, our IT guy. They you and I will go to the car and search it for a tracker. Then we can see Jacqueline, sound good?"

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