~ 4 - The 'date' ~

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Wyatt was ready and waiting when I showed up at the cafe. And yes, I know I said I wasn't going to let him win, but my curiosity had for the better of me. I just had to know what had happened last night.

He was sitting in a booth by the window, daydreaming, just as he had been when I first met him. I wondered what he was daydreaming about when he did that. Well, now I was daydreaming. I pulled myself out of my thoughts and sat down opposite him.
"Hey!" He said, after realizing I had arrived. "I didn't think you'd come."
"I wasn't going to. But I wanna know the truth, and you better give it to me." I said, trying not to sound too passive aggressive.
"Well, the thing is-"
"What? What's the thing?" I interrupted.
"If you'd let me finish, I'll tell you"
"Umm, I don't actually know what happened either."
"What?" My tone quickly become angry. "But you said you'd tell me!"
"I'm sorry-"
"You lied to me!"
"I came here for no reason. Ugh, I hate you. I can't believe I fell for your stupid trick. I never want to see or hear from you again!" I stood up abruptly, and stormed out of the cafe.

I walked quickly down the street, trying to get home as soon as possible.
"Wait!" I turned around, and saw Wyatt running after me. I quickened my pace, I was almost running now. Wyatt ran after me, desperate to catch up with me. Trying to lose him, I turned down an alleyway, and stopped to catch my breath. I saw him run straight last the alley, and I thought I was safe. After taking a moment to breathe, I turned stood up straight, and went to continue on my way, but Wyatt stood in my path.
"How did you-" I looked around, confused, trying to figure out how he'd got there.
"I know the streets like the back of my hand." He told me. I caught my breath before talking again.
"I said I never wanted to see you again."
"I know." Wyatt said, pulling himself up onto a nearby dustbin. I looked at him, confused. He smiled and held out his hand. "C'mon, you might change your mind." I reluctantly took his hand, and he pulled me up onto the top of the bin. "Follow me." He instructed, and I did exactly that.

He placed his hands securely on a metal pipe, which stretched across the alley, and swung his legs over it, balancing himself on top of the pipe with ease. Seeing my scared face, he laughed, took hold of a widnowsill above his hand, and hauled himself to his feet. He gripped the underside of the windowsill with his fingertips and lent down to lend me a hand. I took his hand, less reluctantly this time, and let him hoist me up onto the pipe.

My heart beat hard in my chest, I held onto the windowsill with just my fingertips. Wyatt was weirdly confident, he swiftly pulled himself up onto he widnowsill and through the open window. I stared at him, mouth open wide.
"Don't worry," he sniggered, "it's just an empty building."
"I do it all the time. C'mon." He flung his arms out of the window and I lifted one hand off the windowsill and took hold of his wrist.
"And the other hand." He nodded to the hand that was still gripping the window. Seeing my scared face, he slowly prised my fingers away from the windowsill, took my hand in his and began to pull me up into the building. I gripped tight to his wrists and tried not to look down. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them moments later I was standing on solid ground.
"See, I told you." Wyatt smiled, looking too happy with himself. I rolled my eyes.
"Where are we going anyway?" I asked.
"Just up here, you'll see." He pointed to a ladder in the corner. He started to climb, and I followed.

We reached the top of the ladder, and it led us out onto the top of the building. The view from up there was amazing, stretching out for miles before you.
"Pretty great, isn't it?"
"Yeah." I walked over to the edge of the busking and looked out into the bustling city. Wyatt perched on the wall beside me and swung around to face the city, dangling his legs over the busy street below.

"So, Lola?" He turned his head to look at me.
"Huh?" I replied, snapping my eyes away from the city to back at him.
"What's the deal with you two?" He asked. It was the question I most didn't want him to ask.
"There is no...deal." I sighed and turned away.
"Come on. Why won't you tell me?"
"Why would I tell you? I don't even know you. I mean, you ask me on a date and then start asking me about my crush-"
"Kai. I didn't ask you on a date." I scoffed at that.
"Oh sure."
"Listen to me. This isn't a date. I think you're a really cool person, and I wanna get to know you better. I wanna be friends." He said.
"Really." Wyatt slipped off of the wall and walked around to face me. "Is that ok with you?" He asked, he sounded genuine. I nodded.
"That's ok." I smiled, and he smiled back, and pulled me into a hug. It felt good, to have someone to confide in. I have Lola, of course, but I can't tell her everything. It felt secure, if anything happened with Lola, if I somehow lost her, I wouldn't be alone.

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