~ 9 - The surgery ~

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After Wyatt left, I kept on going over and over our conversation in my head. I was angry at him, I knew that much. What I didn't know is whether I was angry enough to hate him. Of course, I didn't want to destroy our friendship, he was right, we were really close. But he had broken my trust, he'd told my biggest secret to the one person I hated more than anyone. And the one person that could use it against me in the worse way possible.

Whether Lola knew or not, she'd find out soon enough for sure. I didn't want to know how she would react when she did, I already knew it wouldn't be good. My stupid mistake of trusting Wyatt, a complete stranger at the time, with my deepest secret had cost me my best friend.

I felt so stupid, I didn't know why I'd told him. I guess I just felt as if I needed a friend other than Lola, someone who I would be able to tell about my feelings for her. I was wrong, again. I was wrong to trust someone I barely knew.

I kept on thinking it through. When the nurse came in and told me it was time for my surgery, I was thinking about it. As they took me through to the operation room, I was thinking about it. The surgeon began to prepare his equipment, and I was still thinking about Lola. I thought and thought about her, right up until I was given the drugs that put me to sleep for the surgery to begin.


The first thing I remember after the surgery was waking up in a different ward. This one was private, and the only other person in the room was a nurse sitting by my bed, scribbling something on a clipboard. I pushed myself up and leant against the back of the bed.
"Oh, hey." The nurse said, noticing that I'd woken up. "I'm just going through some forms for your surgery. Your mum is waiting downstairs, I'll get her to sign them in a moment." He spoke casually, as if I hadn't just had my leg chopped open and stuck back together. After a moment, he stood up and walked out of the ward. "I'll be back in a moment!" He told me as he left.

I took a sip from the glass of water beside the bed, but it tasted day-old, and I immediately regretted it. As I failed to get rid of the bitterness of the water from my mouth, the door reopened and the nurse returned with my mum.
"Hey Kai!" She said, sitting down beside me. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay. A little tired." I replied, yawning and stretching my arms as an indication. I assumed she meant how I was feeling after the surgery, otherwise my answer would've been a lot different.

My mum signed the forms, stayed to talk to me for a little while, and then returned home. After a somewhat refreshing nap, I had dinner. My first hospital meal. It wasn't exactly the best thing I'd tasted, to put it nicely. I couldn't quite make out what was on my plate, but it was grey and lumpy and didn't look like something you would want to eat. But I was starving, having fled the restaurant before even ordering lunch earlier that day, I hadn't eaten since breakfast, so I reluctantly tucked in.

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