CHAPTER 7 | hidden alliances

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Parker's feet pounded the pavement. Unlike her chaotic thoughts, her stride was sure and stable as her feet marked time with her elevated pulse. The day before yesterday life was uncomplicated. The only thing she needed to worry about was computer viruses, demanding clients, and keeping her business running. Today, it felt as though the weight of the world rested on her shoulders. She had hoped an early morning run would clear her head, but her thoughts once again strayed. At the end of the evening, Daniel received word that another victim of Wildfire was found dead in New York. Her stomach churned at the memory of the disturbing image on Daniel's phone. As with the others, the young woman was unaligned, having chosen to leave her pack years before.

Her pace increased. In all likelihood, there would be more victims before they tracked the culprit down. When Bobby's face swam into view, it was as if someone had clamped a vice around her heart. While he did not fit the profile of the victims, he'd done some stupid things in the past. Parker's pace faltered. He was headed to New York.

Give him some credit. Morgan has briefed the pack on the deaths, and the link to Wildfire. He's not a kid anymore.

She needed to stop thinking about worst-case scenarios. Sweat trickled between her breasts' cleavage, and she pushed herself toward exhaustion before finally turning into her driveway. The moment she reached the top step, Daniel stormed out of the front door, and hauled her into the house before she caught her breath.

"Where the hell have you been?" Daniel slammed the door shut. His nostrils flared as he glared at her.

Parker pulled the earbuds out, and her forehead crinkled. "I went for a run. What's it to you?"

"Are you that deaf you didn't hear what we told you? You are to have someone with you. Always."

Her hands locked into fists. "You must be delusional if you think I'm in danger. Morgan and the others are just being overprotective. I'm Human. Remember?"

Daniel grabbed her by the arm and jerked her shoulder upwards. "You are the delusional one. If you think of pulling this rubbish in Nederland, I'll have you under lock and key."

She pulled out of his grip. "Oh please, you don't want me on your pack grounds any more than I want to go. The council will just have to get used to the fact that I'm not going."

Daniel let out a low growl, and his face grew stormy. "What part of Werewolves are dying from something that shouldn't be possible, did you not understand? I have been charged with protecting you, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Do you really think I want you anywhere near my family after what you have done to them?"

Parker's body began to shake, and her vision clouded over. Her hand took on a mind of its own, and she slapped his face with as much force as she could muster. "How dare you!"

The moment she heard the crack of her hand against his skin she knew she had gone too far. In an instant, he had her wrists in a vice-like grip and had trapped them behind her back. Daniel lowered his head down to hers and uttered in a low, icy tone that sent shivers up her spine. "Make no mistake, you will be going."

The warmth from his breath distracted her as it brushed against her ear.

"Whether I have to drag you kicking and screaming the entire way, or you go of your own free will, is entirely up to you." Daniel paused for a moment before snarling. "At least with the first option I can put duct tape on that argumentative mouth of yours."

Tingles ricocheted across her body, and her tongue skimmed her trembling lips.

Daniel's eyes dropped to her mouth, and he let out a low moan. He fisted his hand in her hair and pulled her toward him in one fluid motion, crushing her mouth to his in a searing kiss.

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