CHAPTER 9 | peace offering

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Parker begged off from attending the pack barbecue once she found out about the teenagers' deaths in San Francisco. After a quick shower, she headed back to the barracks to finish setting up. Every hour they did not have answers was another hour closer to the next needless death.

Night had well and truly fallen when she heard a child's giggle, followed by a man's deep baritone. The door opened, and Daniel strode in, followed by a young girl holding a plate of food.

She could hardly miss who the child was, considering Mandy was a full head taller than most her age, and the spitting image of her mother. Her heart skipped a beat as she laid eyes on the jagged scars across the girl's neck and face. More were hidden underneath her t-shirt and jeans.

Mandy's face exploded into a thousand-watt grin, and she thrust the plate into Daniel's hands. "Parker!" She broke into a run, closed the distance, and threw her arms around Parker.

Parker laughed as she embraced the young girl. "It's nice to finally meet you, Mandy. Your mom tells me you've been using those oil paints I sent. I would love to see some of your artwork while I'm here."

Mandy let out a squeal and tightened her grip. "I made one just for you."

Daniel placed the plate on a desk, and stood at attention with his hands behind his back. "Mandy wanted to come and say hello." He nodded toward the barbecued steak and coleslaw. "She was also a little concerned that you hadn't eaten."

From his stiff tone, she couldn't help but feel that both the food and the child were a peace offering.

Her throat tightened, and the back of her eyes prickled. She was well aware what it took for him to bring Mandy to her and appreciated the gesture. "Thank you, Daniel."

She turned to Mandy and smiled. "How about you sit next to me, and we can chat while I eat?"

By the time Daniel informed Mandy he needed to get her home, both she and Daniel had managed polite conversation without throwing barbs.

"Can I show you my paintings tomorrow?" Mandy said.

Parker, unsure of how to answer, looked toward Daniel for guidance.

He rustled Mandy's hair. "As long as it's okay with Parker and your mom, I'm sure we can arrange it."

Mandy let out another happy squeal and threw her hands around Daniel's leg.

The loving bond between the young girl and her uncle tugged at Parker's heart.

Daniel bent down and picked her up. "It's way past your bedtime, and your mother is already going to be angry with me for keeping you up so late. We'd better go." He turned to Parker. "Providing things go to plan, the first set from your list, will be here tomorrow. If you find Jessica in the morning, she'll introduce you to our pack doctor."

Parker stood and placed her hands in the back pockets of her jeans. "Hopefully, I'll have another set of names for you before they get here."

Mandy blew a raspberry on Daniel's cheek, and he half-heartedly growled at her. Mandy giggled, and he glanced back at Parker. "If you do, pass the list on to Simon. I'm heading to San Francisco with the team. We need to contain and limit the damage from the latest deaths." He carried his niece to the exit.

"Night Parker," Mandy said.

She stared at the closed door with her brows knitted together. The loving uncle she had just witnessed was a far cry from the volatile alpha she had come to expect. What had happened to warrant the drastic change?

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