Chapter 10

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The sun shone through the window of the room, it's rays being slightly obscured by the curtains that covered it.

The doll's eyes opened as he sat up, sleepily. His eyes immediately moving towards the bed that was placed only a few metres away from him, seeing you still asleep, all wrapped up in a blanket that barely even covered your cold feet.

Chucky glared at you, his eyebrows cocking over his tensed eyes as he recalled the incident that had taken place the night before. He huffed, stepping down from the chair as he walked slowly towards your sleeping form.

The doll hoisted himself up onto the bed not thinking twice if you were going to wake up because of it. The mattress shook following a few hard steps he took on the soft unstable surface, causing you to groan slightly, moving around, causing him freeze in one spot for a few seconds before realizing that you were still asleep.

He looked over at you, noticing your face, strands of your (h/c) hair resting upon it before they were gently brushed off by his small fingers, the hard expression not leaving his scarred face.

He observed your profile, studying every detail as he did so. He had to admit, you were attractive. If only you weren't such a pain in the ass... Maybe he'd consider being a little more nicer to you...

His eyes then moved to the bottom half of your body, a smirk forming on his lips as he removed the blanket from your curled up physique, throwing it onto the floor. His palm then came in contact with your thigh, running it across your skin amusedly, which made you move subconsciously in reaction to his touch.

His smirk only grew as he removed his hand from your thigh, his delighted eyes moving up towards your face before slowly going down, taking in your whole body.

"Not bad..." He mumbled to himself softly, nodding as his smirk remained. His eyes widened, noticing how you began to groan and stretch, your eyes opening and widening as they met with his face.

You sat up quickly, your shocked eyes not leaving him.

This was definitely not how you expected to get up in the morning, eyes opening from your slumber only to be met face to face with the possessed killer doll hovering over your form. You didn't know how to react, swallowing in fear as you watched him climb off the bed, giving you space to sit up as your eyes followed him. He walked over to the other side of the bed, standing infront of you in your seated position as your confusion only began to grow.

"Is... Is something wrong..?" You questioned throatily as he looked away from you, his face now facing the floor. "Nah, nothing's wrong..." He answered, his tone flat as he looked up towards you once again.

His smirk returned as he looked you up and down, his blue eyes showing excitement as he examined your body.

His fixed gaze made you feel uncomfortable, and really confused as to what was going on.

"What is it...?" You asked, looking down at your body before looking at him again cluelessly.

"Nice bod..." was all he commented, smiling smugly as he eyed you up and down one final time before turning around and walking away to the opposite side of the room, making your expression only twist into one of disgust, watching as he walked away so confidently. His rather crude compliment only made you blink in confusion, leaving you with many unanswered questions.

Your confused eyes, that were now on the floor, noticed your blanket, resting upon the dusty surface , inches away from your reach, causing you to gulp. Considering the 'compliment' he just given you, you could've only assumed that Chucky must've pulled it off while you were asleep. The thought of what he could've done to you while you were so cluelessly in your slumber only unsettled you even more.

You heard him snicker as he turned around, noticing your dumfounded expression, causing your heart to race, assuming the worst.

You held yourself in horror, the disgust that settled in being displayed on your face even more. The doll grinned in amusement, staring at your seated and hugged close form.

"Lighten up already... " He teased, causing you to cock an eyebrow in confusion and annoyance.

"How the hell do you expect me to go on about knowing that I was basically assaulted while asleep?" You questioned him snappily, taking him by surprise.

"Ay, I'm just sayin' ya look good, alright? Cool your tits." He rolled his eyes, seeing you getting so defensive over him doing something he saw no problem in doing.

You scoffed in response, your anger rising, not particularly thrilled with the thought of having to spend God knows how long with him. You weren't too surprised at his perverted mentality either.

"What? Woke up on the wrong side of bed or somethin'? " he questioned half jokingly, crossings his arms.

"I think any side of bed would be the wrong side if I woke up to a perverted imp peering down at my sleeping body... So yeah, good guess." You blurted out angrily, rubbing away the sleep from your eyes as you heard him scoff in response to your comeback.

"First off, who the fuck are ya callin' an imp? Second off, I wasn't 'peering down at you sleeping body', over-exaggerating much? I was just observing you and happened to notice that you looked... Appealing..." He tried to explain himself, trying to find the right words to use to describe the situation without sounding like the creep that you knew he was.

Your expression then changed into plainness, it was no doubt that what he had just said was a massive lie, not that good of an excuse either, you rolled your eyes, knowing that he wasn't entirely telling the truth but also knowing that calling him a liar would probably turn this whole situation south with his unpredictable sudden change of moods.

"I don't know why you're the one fucking complainin', considering I had to sleep on a wooden fucking chair all night!"

There it was, the unexpected outburst that you were starting to get used to.

"How selfless! The hell do you want? A medal?" You responded, tone dripping with sarcasm, watching as the anger that flared in his blue eyes grew.

You knew you probably shouldn't have provoked him even more, but you had every right to be mad at him, serial killer doll that could've easily slit your throat if he wanted to or not.

"Don't get too lippy with me, toots... It seems to me like you've forgot our little... Incident yesterday night... Think I should refresh your memory?" Chucky questioned, causing your tensed eyes to soften and widen, realizing exactly what he meant by that and recalling the events that took place last night.

You gulped slightly, seeing him grin as he watched you do so.

"That's what I thought..." He said, voice coming out smug, seeing that he had the last say.

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