Chapter 28

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Buzzing was the first thing he heard - the first thing that jolted him awake. He exhaled exasperatedly as he turned to his side, facing away from his nightstand, already dreading the sound his phone was going to make moments after it vibrated, the sickeningly high pitched tune of his ringtone already annoying him before it even sounded.

The shrill sound of it finally going off made him scrunch his face with displeasure. The dead silence that the middle of the night had to offer was cut short, replaced with the now constant and ear-piercing ring that his mind begged him to cut off by either picking up or declining the call.

Arthur groaned, turning over to his nightstand as he grabbed the device, bringing it up to his face to see who it could be - calling him at such an ungodly hour.

His eyes squinted as they were met with the blinding brightness of the device's screen. It took him a few moments and blinks to finally realize it was an unknown caller.

A part of him wanted to dismiss this - to decline the call and to return back to the comfort of his slumber that was so suddenly and rudely interrupted. The softness of the pillow that hugged his tired head and eased his worn out mind welcomed him in, tempting him to ignore whoever it was calling.

However, something told him to pick up. Perhaps it was his curiosity of wanting to know who this person was and how they had even gotten his number, or maybe it was the feeling that swirled in his gut that pushed him to do it. But he answered anyway, bringing the phone up to his ear as he closed his eyes.

"hello...?" He croaked, praying it was scam call so that it could be over with quickly.

"Hey, asshole..." The rough voice of another male offensively greeted as it erupted from the other line, causing his eyes to open once again, eyebrow cocking as he sat himself up immediately, slouching slightly as he tried recalling who it was. He did give out his number an awful lot, for sale purposes mostly. There was no telling who this could've been unless he asked.

"Who is this?" he questioned, trying to blink the sleepiness away as he sucked on his teeth, auburn eyes filled with confusion as they danced around his dark room.

"Friend of (Y/n)'s... She's asleep right now but she wanted me to tell ya that she changed her mind about the doll. Asked me to put it in front of your room for ya, but I figured I'd call to tell you about it just in case." The lower voice of the male at the other end answered.

Arthur's eyes then widened, gleaming with surprise and somewhat happiness through the sleepiness felt, feeling glad to hear that the doll he had previously been rejected on buying was going to be his in exchange for some cash.

Though he was overjoyed with the great news, he couldn't help but feel his stomach sink with uneasiness and a slight bit of suspicion, wondering whether he should've even believed this guy in the first place, whom claimed to be your friend.

He certainly didn't see you entering with another man, and couldn't say he remembered seeing any new cars in the parking lot as he arrived back from dinner. Nevertheless, he discarded his suspicion and replaced it with the satisfaction brought upon him as he thought about adding a new addition to his growing collection. After all, what did he have to lose?

"Oh, that's, uh... That's great! How much did she want-"

The slow and long beep of the phone cut him off, signalling that whoever it was on the other end, cut the line off before he could've even finished asking his question.

He hummed lowly at this, removing the phone from his ear as he looked down at the black screen, wondering if he should've called the person back or wait til the morning to negotiate a price with you.

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