Chapter Nine

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Ingrid led the two women out of the manor, down past the grounds of the estate. Aila wasn't sure if Tove would allow such a thing; that thought made the little adventure of theirs much more thrilling. Anything to piss off the asshole that had taken her captive. She only hoped he wouldn't be physical with her again. This trek was his sister's doing after all.

"Where are we going?" Nadine asked. She brushed her fingers through the tall grass, pulling a few strands and tossing them to the side.

     "You'll see when we get there," Ingrid replied with a mischievous grin. Her golden eyes danced with joy. She took off in a run, expecting the other's to follow. Aila looked to Nadine, giving her a questioning look, which the latter mirrored. They both quickly sped up, matching their pacing with their leader.

     The girls ran past curious spectators and men with lustful glances. Nadine and Ingrid didn't seem bothered, but Aila felt uncomfortable under the men's gazes. She pushed the feeling away as they reached a downward slope, each of them carefully maneuvering around rocks and shrubs on their way down. At the bottom lay a small stream of water with a slow, steady current.

     Ingrid took no time removing her clothing. She stripped bear and with a large grin, she jumped into the water. Nadine and Aila shared a surprised look. It didn't take long for Nadine to join the girl. Aila hesitated, nervous at getting naked in such an open place. Anyone could stumble upon them.

     She stripped off her dress, down to her shift. Her nipples peaked from the breeze. Quickly kicking off the rest of her clothing, she ran to the water, only to be assaulted by the coldness. Aila shivered as she moved to her waist and then her shoulders.

     Nadine giggled as she shook. "Why did we do this?"

     "Tove and I used to swim here as children," Ingrid said. "He won't come with me now though." The girl was down to her chin, grinning from ear to ear. Aila wondered how she wasn't freezing like the others.

"Well that's a shame. He's missing out," Nadine responded. She seemed to be enjoying herself almost as much as Ingrid. Her bright eyes were wide, excitement written all over her face. It was clear to Aila, that Nadine had never done such a thing in her life. Many years ago, Aila had gone out swimming with her siblings in the lake near their home, but that water had been much warmer.

     "I am having serious regrets," Aila said with chattering teeth. She wondered at how long it was going to take to warm up later.

     "You know something," Ingrid said, her eyes focused on Aila. "You aren't as bad as I expected. Most women my brother has been taken with have been truly horrendous. Like his wife for example, that woman would never have even considered coming out here with me."

     Aila wasn't sure why her chest felt so warm, especially in such freezing temperatures. Hearing Ingrid's words seemed to brighten the dimness in her heart. It seemed she had made a very unexpected friend in Ingrid.

"I'll bet he won't come out here with you because of your state of undress," Aila laughed. Ingrid gave a toothy grin in response.

"I can think of a few men who's company would be preferable to his," Nadine said with a wink. The woman listed several men, most of which Aila had never met. Ingrid threw in a couple names Dagfinn included, Colden's coming up last. It seemed everyone but Tove liked the man.

Ingrid seemed to notice as Aila's expression changed at the mention of the handsome man. Ingrid swam closer, splashing playfully. "You like him."

Aila grew hot. It seemed impossible to be anything but freezing in the cold water, but somehow it wasn't. "I barely know him." The response came so quickly, too quickly.

     "I'm not judging," Ingrid said, moving closer to the shore.

     "He's nice to me," Aila said. And he was, unlike Tove who had tried to have his way with her. A shudder went down her spine at the thought.

     "I'd be careful if I were you. The Nordskovs are not to be trusted." At Aila's confused expression, Ingrid elaborated. "They're crazy. His father loves to impregnate and torture innocent women and then kill their children—his children—right in front of them. And Colden's sister is out of her right mind. I couldn't tell you what's wrong with her. She runs around at all hours screaming at nothing."

     Aila was horrified. She made a mental note to stay clear of that family. If Colden was anything like his father— she didn't want to think of such a thing.

The women moved back toward the shore, each shaking off their wet bodies. Aila wrung out her hair several times before pulling her shift back on. It clung to her soaked body, her pink skin showing through the damp fabric.

"How does he get away with torturing people?"

"He's wealthy," Nadine said, as if that were enough.

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