Chapter Fourteen

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"T'was very uncomfortable to watch last night," Nadine said, referring to the previous night. Aila couldn't agree more. Tove's response toward Yrsa had seemed rather harsh, something Aila was going to have to get used to, considering they would be wed in two days. It seemed so unreal. The days went by so fast, she felt as if she could never catch her breath.

     "As much as I don't like Yrsa, I pitied her." The woman had only tried standing up for her nephew, and it had gotten her on Tove's bad side.

     "I'll bet if they hadn't been in front of an audience, things would have gone down very differently." Nadine reached for her cup of tea, taking a long sip. The women sat at a table in Nadine's family house, whispering lest Dagfinn overhear. Aila wasn't too concerned with him, considering he kept her meeting with Colden a secret from her betrothed.

     "What do you mean?" Aila asked. She eyed Dagfinn in the other room, sitting erect in his chair. They made eye contact for a brief moment before she turned back to her friend.

     "Yrsa has quite a temper- which I'm sure you've noticed." Nadine's lips curved into a smile. Aila wondered if the girl admired Yrsa. "I've seen her talk back to the jarl a couple times, and it never ended well."

     "How do you mean?" Aila asked. She could only guess at what Tove would do to his wife. She had already been at the receiving end of his rage.

     "He hit her, she hit him back. That sort of thing." Nadine left it at that. "I'm sure the only reason she's alive is because she's Erik Nordskov's sister. If she had been anybody else, I think Tove might've killed her," Nadine whispered so quietly, Aila wasn't entirely sure she was hearing her correctly.

     "I keep hearing a lot about this Erik Nordskov. Who is he?"

     "He's very rich and very powerful. He owns a lot of land and slaves, and I've heard that he's not kind to those that cross him. People say that he likes to torture for fun. I've heard Tove is a saint compared to him." The thought of Tove being compared to a saint was ridiculous. Tove was the worst kind of person.

     "I find it hard to believe that anyone could be worse than that insufferable man," Aila said rather loudly, drawing Dagfinn's attention. He eyed her with uncertainty. The man stood from his chair by the door, stretching his legs and arms. Aila couldn't help but admire his broad build.

     Nadine turned her attention to the man as well, her eyes raking over his body. She was very clearly attracted to him. "You are so lucky," she whispered. "I wish I had a man that looked like that follow me everywhere."

     Both the women giggled. Dagfinn entered the room, brushing back his fading blond locks. The women watched intently as his fingers swept a couple strands behind his ear. He looked uncomfortable under their gazes.

     The man cleared his throat, entering the room to grab a cup of tea. Aila assumed it was to better hear what they were discussing. He seemed to take his time pouring the drink, and then taking a seat at the table next to them and not even taking a sip.

     "There's stew in the kitchen if you're hungry," Nadine said. The man politely declined and relaxed into a chair beside them. "Suit yourself," she responded, rising from her seat. "But I am starved." Nadine gave Aila a look as if saying follow me.

     Both women left Dagfinn at the table, heading toward the kitchen. A mischievous look danced across Nadine's face, as she grabbed Aila's hand, rushing them to the back door. It was around the corner, out of sight of the brute. Quietly, Nadine pulled the door open and they both slipped out.

     Aila felt excitement rush up her body. She was reminded of home when she used to sneak out to go sit by the stream with Erling. They would sometimes be out for hours before anyone had noticed they were gone. This outing would not last nearly as long, for Dagfinn would probably only wait minutes before investigating.

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