Part 2. All Dressed Up

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Getting ready for a night at the bar up on the roof, Dinah decided on a blue jean skirt with a blue tank top, her high heels were black and I could not wear them if I tried. I can't even walk in regular tennis shoes -for example, the parking lot.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and shook out my ash-blonde hair, the pink highlights showing as I let the shower water warm up and turned it on. I took off my clothes and got over into the shower, letting the warm water hit my head.

My mind drifted back to Will and how he had always made me laugh, at first. The first two years in our relationship were filled with love and laughter, then he went and cheated on me. Something that I cannot forgive, especially when I had devoted myself to him and him only.

Don't get me wrong, I was hurt. Just as I thought Will had changed he goes and proves me wrong. We had been together for five years, and I thought he was going to propose this summer. I guess now I will never know if he truly wanted to be with me or not. Why is it that when the other one screws up in a relationship that we have to suffer from it?

After washing my head, shaving my legs, and washing I moved out of the shower and grabbed my towel to dry off. I then put on the clothes that I had chosen for tonight and grabbed my hairdryer from the rack I had placed it in and plugged it in before starting to blow my hair dry; I brushed it as I dried it and the air felt pleasant on my head.

I looked into the mirror at myself and silently wondered if I was good enough? If I had acted like a whore would my boyfriend still have been with me? Would he have cared for me the way he did for the skank he slept with?

But, then again. Did I want him back after what he did to me? The correct answer is no. My heart still adored him, it always will, but it was time that I moved on with my life and found myself rather than pinning after some cheater.

Right? It was time to be a strong independent woman. And not focus on guys.

I finished up my hair and brushed my teeth before using my makeup: concealer under my eyes, dark green eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and cotton candy lip gloss. My clothes were simple black biker shorts and a green tank top.

I walked out of the bathroom, and Dinah shot inside saying she had to pee. Grabbing my phone, I sat down on the bed and checked messages.

After staring at a message from my friends at the university, I opened the 'post' section on Facebook and typed into a post "Made it to Miami! Now for fun and relaxation," selected a cheerful face emoji along with a wine glass and pressed the post button. Then I opened my phone messages and sent a text message to my mother to let her and my father know that Dini and I had arrived safely in Florida.

I bent down and put on my red and white sneakers as Dinah came out of the bathroom.

"You see, Lily? That's how you dress for a night out," Dinah said to me, making me look up as my cousin gave a tiny twirl in her heels. Which only made me lift an eyebrow.

"Yes. If I want to break my neck, I'll just remember that." My view at her heels, which only made her roll her eyes. I shrugged and stood up, snatched my wrist bag from the dresser, and pulled out my sunglasses.

These were my 'Ozzy Osbourne' shades as I call them, and Dinah hates them with a passion. And that only gives me a reason to wear them more.

She grabbed her wristlet and put her key card in before she went to the door and opened it; I also grabbed my key card, just in case Dini dropped me for some guy. We stepped out, and the door locked automatically behind us.

"Have you heard from Doug, yet?" I asked as I pressed the button to call the elevator.

She sighed, "Nope. Probably living it up in the beach house right around now," she sounded annoyed, which only made me chuckle when the elevator rang and the doors opened. We got into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor - the roof.

I turned to her "Surely he would have called by now to invite us over?" I said in curiosity, knowing Doug he wouldn't do us like that. He may be a pain in the ass, but he loved his sister dearly.

Dinah scoffed "Yeah, right. He is probably enjoying not having his sister around to embarrass him." I rolled my eyes at her and she pouted "Well, it's the truth."

Well, we came to relax, what better way than with our good pals behind the bar? I think Dinah needs to let loose.

And I need a cigarette.

"You know what really irks me about your brother?" I questioned her as the elevator zoomed up toward the roof, she shrugged and I rolled my eyes. "Just how much of an asshole he can be at times."

"Tell me about it."

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