Part 30. Heartbreak Hotel

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WHY DID I KEEP LOOKING BACK? IT ISN'T LIKE A romantic novel that Dinah or Zeke read; it isn't a movie, he won't be coming around the corner to confess his love to me or tell me he feels the same way.

This was just a summer fling.

I tossed my bag onto the bed and sighed, "Dinah, you here?" I called out into the hotel room earning nothing but silence, I groaned and sat down on my bed looking at the TV that was showing a black screen.

Why was it so hard to face reality? Life is like a game, you can fail or you can succeed. I think I was failing at it.

Maybe I just need a drink? I thought as I stood up from the bed and walked to my suitcase; I pulled out my shorts and a grey tank top before changing. I snatched my wallet, making sure I put my keycard inside it before I walked out the door.

I rode the elevator up to the bar and ordered a daiquiri before sitting down at a table and watching people dance. There were youthful men and women everywhere and a few old-timers talking or dancing. I watched as an old couple moved on the dance floor making everyone clap as they got down.

My eyes lowered to my glass that was barely being sipped on, I shook my head as I leaned back in the chair and watched the surrounding couples. They were either one-nighters or long lasters.

Would I ever get to know the feeling of being in a long-lasting relationship? Or was I doomed to live alone with sixty cats?

I chuckled at the thought before taking a drink of the daiquiri. That was when I saw Dinah with Zeke and Doug, who looked to be arguing over something that was possibly stupid by the roll of her eyes Dinah gave.

When she noticed me she looked surprised, she mumbled something to the guys before walking over towards me; she sat in front of me and propped her elbows on the table before sitting her head on her hands.



She frowned at my tone, "What's wrong?" She asked as she moved her hands from her face, I shrugged and she cocked her head to the side as she watched me.

Then, she stood up and moved around to face me, "Frowny face. The sad look in the eyes. It seems to care less about anything going on around her. Also dressed like she should be eating ice cream," she frowned as she sat on the table and looked down at me "You and Sawyer had a fight," she realized.

I sighed as I sat up straight and looked at my drink, "It wasn't really a fight. It was just a realization of life" I told her, crossing my arms.

Dinah rolled her eyes, "I swear. If you would stop acting like this is a summer fling, you could both see what was right in front of you. That you are both made for each other," she told me, putting a hand to her forehead, "Anything is possible."

"Except this. Long-distance relationships never work, Dinah."

"In movies! Maybe even books. Look Elizabeth, you can both make it work. Somehow, some freaking way! You just have to want it bad enough."

Dinah stood up from the table and ran her hands down her face, "All right. How about we go to our room and you explain everything that happened between you guys to me?" she offered. I paused for a moment to think it over before nodding my head in agreement.

As she went over to speak to Doug I stood from the table and sighed as I left my drink there, I grabbed my wallet and walked towards the exit.

I don't know if speaking to Dinah about this was right or wrong, I mean, she has never had an almost relationship or admitted to being in love. How can she give me friendly advice about my situation?

Then again, I could be wrong.

Dinah sighed as we walked to the elevator and pressed the down button, she raised an eyebrow at me "What have you two been doing these past two nights?" she questioned me as we stepped on the elevator.

"Oh, just the usual. Having sex, eating pizza, and watching cartoons" I said sarcastically, she raised her eyebrows in amusement and amazement, which I smacked her shoulder "Talking! I ain't a sex addict like you are."

She snorted, "Good. I was about to ask if you're having safe sex, I was about to pull a mom-lecture on your ass," she joked as we stopped on our floor.

I sighed, "How do I find myself in these damn conversations?" I asked mainly to myself as we approached our room.

She shrugged, "Because you are great at getting yourself into them. Come on, I want to talk about what happened," she said, pushing the door open and letting me enter first.


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