RANT: HP & PJO Crossovers!

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I loooooove crossovers, especially Harry Potter and Percy Jackson crossovers (PJO/Avengers crossovers are a very close second).

But... I have some issues with PJO/HP crossovers... or more specifically, how they're written

This rant's such an unorganized mess but just bear with me, guys.

Now let's start! 

(I hope I don't offend anyone, but if I do... sorry?)



I swear to god, like, 99% of these fics have the exact same plots.

'The gods tell the demigods to help the wizards in the upcoming war'


First of all, the gods wouldn't give a shit about the wizarding world, except maybe Hecate but that's only if you write her as the creator of the wizarding world. But half of the time, Hecate isn't mentioned in these fics so yeah.

The gods are always like "you gotta join their war because if Voldemort wins, it could be the end of everything"

😂 😂 😂

Why the fuck are the gods acting as if Voldemort's the new Kronos? Voldemort is nothing! He's a mortal! He might be a threat to the Wizarding world but he just needs to piss off the wrong monster, deity, immortal, demigod, and it's bye-bye him.

Oh but Voldemort's joining ranks with Kronos and Gaea?!?!?!? Ohhhh nooo!

First of all, wtf could Voldemort even give them in exchange? What use is he to a Titan or a Primordial? Oh he could help them in the war to defeat the Olympians? Yeah, and he gets his wand stolen or broken in the middle of battle, now what?

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First of all, wtf could Voldemort even give them in exchange? What use is he to a Titan or a Primordial? Oh he could help them in the war to defeat the Olympians? Yeah, and he gets his wand stolen or broken in the middle of battle, now what?

Second of all, Voldemort would feel too threatened to join them. Literal gods, Titans, or Primordials who are actually truly immortal? Demigods with super powers and super abilities? Monsters far more vicious then the ones in the wizarding world? HE WOULD FEEL SO LAME AND POWERLESS, HE WOULD HATE IT! That completely shatters his whole 'purebloods are more superior to everyone else' ideal. It's a blow to the ego! When he makes alliances with other creatures like the werewolves, giants, etc, he makes sure they know that he's still above them. If he were to join Kronos or Gaea, he would be a lot lower in their hierarchy. He's a fucking narcissist, he wouldn't want to join forces where he would have lesser power.

It's so aggravating to read about, and it's even worse because 90% of the stories on fanfiction.net, Wattpad, and sometimes even Quotev, are exactly like this!

And then comes the second most overused plot: Voldemort is Percy's grandfather

Okay, I could see the comedic reason for giving Percy another evil grandpa, it's very on-point with Percy's shitty luck 😂

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