Mary Sues 🤮

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Easiest way to not make your character a Mary Sue??? Don't make them like Piper. 

LOLOLOL, okay I'll be serious now (but fr tho, don't make them like Piper). 

I'll list the traits every Mary Sue has and how to avoid them.


Mary Sues have such weird ass names, guys wtf. And they're always unnecessarily long? 

I already discussed this in the "Creating Your OC" chapters, but I'll summarize the basic points in case you forget. 

Just do this:

First Name + (optional) Middle Name + Last Name

Don't give your characters names that are anywhere similar to this shit: 

- Marina Blue Seahorse Dolphin Orca Whale Seaworld Oceana Jackson

- Emily Slytherin Gryffindor Snape Riddle Dumbledore 


The Mary Sue is soooooooooooo beautiful, so so beautiful... that it's a CURSE (sometimes)

They either HATE their beauty or they think they're ugly despite being described as having "✨clear porcelain skin with baby blue eyes and silky blonde hair cascading down her back✨" damn, doesn't that just sound hideous? Sooooo ugly.

They'll be described as absolutely flawless (and white, they're usually white). And if the author uses faceclaims, then it's either an overused one or a supermodel. They're thin with big boobs and a good ass, etc. And another thing, other characters are constantly commenting on their beauty yet the Mary Sue goes around thinking "noooooo stop it, I'm soooo ugly" 

If you want to crank it up even more, the Mary Sue might even have unnatural eye and/or hair color (like Piper fucking McLean and her "KalEiDoSCopE" eyes smh) that nobody else has, ONLY HER. Mary Sues don't have brown eyes, no no no, that's too common, it's gotta be rare and out of this world! Or blue. 

She's also never shown to give any effort on maintaining her perfect looks. No ten step skincare routine is mentioned, no workouts to keep them in shape, no healthy eating, etc. If you're OC is a demigod, then at least they've got the workouts and healthy eating covered (since if they slack off on that, they could literally fucking die. Survival of the fittest, remember), but Harry Potter OCs don't have that chance. The characters in Harry Potter literally eat so many fatty and unhealthy foods and yeah they walk around Hogwarts, but that is NOT enough exercise for the Mary Sue to "stay fit and healthy". 

Stop, stop, stop! 

Don't do any of this, for fucks sake! 

Look, I don't really care if you want to make your OC gorgeous. Just please stop with the "noooo, you're lying, I'm ugly!" every time someone compliments their looks, that's so annoying. And stop making them hate their prettiness too! Who the fuck looks in the mirror, sees all their hot af features and says "Omg, I hate being so beautiful!". And if you're using a faceclaim, STOP USING OVERUSED ONES OR SUPERMODELS!!!  😤 😤 😤

When it comes to the eyes and hair, make it normal for fucks sake. There are some instances where unnatural eye colors are fine, like if you're making a Dionysus!OC, his kids usually have purple eyes. Remember, if it's a demigod, check the wiki to see if demigod appearances vary on their godly parents, because some of them have a hand in how their kid looks. If your OC is just the average witch/wizard, then their features are probably going to be normal unless their a half-breed or a Metamorphmagus. 

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