Chapter 32: We're Having A Lingerie Bonfire

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As soon as I walked into school, people encircled me, bombarding me with a series of questions.

Did it hurt?

No, I'm superwoman, of course it hurt!

How did it feel?

Painful. Obviously.

Did your life flash before your eyes?

Kinda. I suppose.

Can I see your burns?

Ummm, unless I wanna go shirtless....No.

Did you know those two were psychopaths?

Well, I suspected it.

I hope God makes them pay for everything they've done.

God bless you for saying that.

I hope they get electrocuted to get their heads straight.

Now that's a little too far and psychotic.

Kenzie and Liv pulled me through the crowd, "Make way people! Injured person coming through",

"Whoo! I feel like we're the Kardashians now", Kenzie did a dramatic hair flip, "We're missing is a Kris, ooh we should bring Callie along too, she'd make an amazing Kris",

"She'd definitely be down for that", I giggled at the thought of us strutting down the hallway in branded clothing.

Suddenly, Liv stopped dead in her tracks pulling us back with her.

"Guys, please don't tell me that's who I think it is ",

We looked in the direction she was pointing and saw Chelsea, sitting on the floor, covered in tomatoes, the peels clinging to her body. She cried as she tried to get them out of her hair.

We quickly hurried over to her.

"Chelsea what happened?", I crouched down next to her.

She didn't answer, just continued crying.

"Some guys threw tomatoes at her", a girl passing by said, "She deserves it after all the things she did",

"No! That isn't true! Chelsea's not at fault for this!", I protested, "She's the one who pulled me out of the car after the accident!",

Everyone just rolled their eyes, "She should've stopped it in the first place", someone said.

I was so mad, I could feel steam blowing out of my nose. I would've pounced on those guys right then and there but then I felt an arm around my shoulder.

"If I see even one of you fuckers trying to harm Chelsea, I won't hold Harper back from ripping your eyeballs out of your face", Will glared daggers at the people around us, "And don't ignore my girlfriend because then you'll be facing me instead, got it? Now fuck off", he growled.

Everyone dispersed away from us and I let out a frustrated sigh.

"What a bunch of idiots", Daniel sighed as he helped take out pieces of tomato from Chelsea's hair along with Kenzie.

"Why are you a bigger threat than me?", I asked Will.

"Because I'm taller", he kissed the top of my head.

"It isn't my fault that my genes are flawed", I huffed.

"It isn't bad being short", he shrugged.

"You don't sound very sure of that", I glared at him.

"It's also because I have abs and muscles and biceps and triceps and all other ceps in existence", he smirked, "You told me that yourself",

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