Bonus Chapter #1: NYU Surprise!

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"But it's a new years party! You have to come!", Bree whined.

"Eh", I resumed to scrolling through my phone.

"Harper", Benny sat down on the edge of the couch, "Come here, give mama a hug",

I leaned against Benny as he stroked my hair, "Talk to me, I know there's a reason other than your mood swings to not go to the New Year's party",

"I just....I haven't seen Will for 2 years, Benny", I grumbled, "I just don't feel great today",

"Don't overthink it, he's a Harvard student, you know he's busy", Bree called out.

"Bree shut it", Benny retorted, "Now you listen to me babe, you are a strong, badass bitch who is not going to mope over her boyfriend",

"Benny I-",

"Ssh! Let mama Benny talk", He snapped.

God. No wonder Liv and Benny get along.

Bree and Benny are my roommates. They're kinda like Janis and Damian from Mean Girls. Bree even called Benny too gay to function, and he happily agreed that Damian was his spirit animal.

Liv and Kenzie did come over to visit, and Benny and Liv had hit it off immediately.

Liv had taught him the 'shoe theory'. And Benny had taught her how to walk on stilettos which made her much taller than she already was.

Kenzie called them the mama duo. Which really does suit them.

"You will let me make you look stunning, and you will strut into that party and make every living being's jaw drop down to the ground floor",

"And watch while you and Bree find some hot strangers to kiss at the end of the countdown, and stand there thinking about Will?",

Benny slumped down, pouting unhappily, "Now that sounds tragic",

"I'd cry if I saw that", Bree sighed.

"Guys, go ahead, I'll be fine, I'm gonna chill here, make myself some delicious food and watch horror movies",

They both stared at me.

"Did you hear that?", Benny said.


"That statement sounds so sad and lonely, my heart literally cracked", He rested a hand on his chest, "Good job Harper, you made my heart crack",

"I heard it too", Bree agreed, "It was the most painful sound in the world, my cries while getting a tattoo, are legit less painful than that crack",

"You guys are such incredible drama queens", I rolled my eyes.

"Incredible?", Benny smirked, "Oh of course",

"Dramatic? A little", Bree added.

"But Queens? Definitely",

"Okay okay, you guys are supposed to be there early, so leave me to my horror movies", I flicked my hands at them, "Shoo yourselves!",

"Okay okay, call us if you need anything", Benny strutted out the door, "Love ya!",

"Love you too!", I replied, "Don't forget the keys like last time!",

"I won't!",

The door slammed shut and I was alone in the three bedroom apartment.

I looked at my phone screen, running my hands over the picture of Will and I. I missed him so much. My heart ached for him. For his arms. His lips. His kisses. I wanted him here. So bad.

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