12: Starstruck

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every chapter up to 16 is pre written (as in: written way before the wrist stuff) do not come after me


Stupid alarms, Elias thought as he repeatedly tapped the "stop" button, burying his face into his pillow. That shrill sound never failed to get on his nerves as soon as he woke up.

He wasn't sure why he had it on for his days off, until he remembered the last time he had kept his alarm off during the night. He had ruined his sleeping schedule in a day. Elias groaned and pushed himself into a sitting position, blinking slowly to adjust to the light streaming into his dark room.

Eventually, he rolled out of bed, lazily pulling a shirt over his upper half. He walked out into the living room, then stopped at the sight of a pair of feet hanging off the edge of the couch. He had completely forgotten Roman stayed the night.

Elias slid up behind the sofa and peeked over the top. Roman was knocked out, on his side and facing the back of the couch. The blanket covered half his face, hair a tousled mess atop his head, strands sticking out everywhere from tossing and turning during the night.

Elias smiled to himself. There was something endearing about the sight of people first thing in the morning or as they slept.

Did that sound creepy? He hoped not. He didn't think of that as weird.

Roman looked at ease when he slept. Usually, when Elias saw him, there was always some type of tension in his features, whether that was a clenched jaw, a frown, or the furrowing of his eyebrows. He never appeared to be fully calm, but he did in that moment. He looked the most peaceful Elias had ever seen him.

It was a nice look on him.

Elias left him alone and wandered into the kitchen, starting up some coffee even though he didn't drink it every morning. Roman did, however, and Elias was lucky to have the creamer that was similar to the flavor Roman always got.

He looked through the fridge for things to make. He remembered Gale's favorite creation on their menu; she called it the "Hangover Breakfast," and it was pretty popular among those who were fresh out of a night of drinking. Gale had never gotten complaints, and Elias had made it a few times, enough to know what exactly to do.

Roman was bound to have a hangover. Hopefully he wouldn't mind.

Elias had just placed the last of the ingredients on the counter when he heard rustling, followed by the groaning sound everyone made as they did a well-needed stretch. He stepped into the living room, leaning against the threshold as he watched Roman sit up, looking foggy.

"Good morning," Elias greeted. Roman looked his way, blinking tiredly, his hair all over the place and one side of his cheek significantly more red than the other.

"Oh. Good mor — ow," he hissed, hunching over and pressing the heel of his hand against his forehead. Elias frowned and walked over, sitting down on the spot his legs no longer took up.

"Headache?" Elias questioned. Roman nodded with a pained look on his face.

Elias pressed the back of his hand against Roman's forehead, the heat hitting his knuckles immediately. "You know what I always do for Mars when she has bad headaches?" Elias asked, tilting his head to the side and letting his hand drop.

Roman frowned. "What?"

"Turn around." Roman gave him a wary look, but did as he said, making a sound of surprise when Elias grabbed his shoulders and carefully laid him down so that his head was in Elias' lap. "Tell me if you don't like it, okay?"

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