18: Let The Wind Lead

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Let The Wind Lead

It turned out Elias didn't have to go to Lily's parents, because they went to him instead.

More than likely because Mars spoke to Lily, who asked her parents to ask Mars' parent, and here they were. Was this how his mom and dad felt when his siblings would ask to see their friends when younger and make it all confusing?

If so, Elias understood now.

"Hello again," Riko sang, and distinctly, he heard Lily shouting and someone, probably Hina, trying to quiet her. Sounded like she was complaining about homework. He completely understood.

"Hi," Elias replied, trapping his phone between his shoulder and ear so he could use both hands to knead dough. "I'm guessing this is about the spring break thing? Mars won't stop talking about it."

"Don't tell Mars I told you, but she begged me to talk to you," Riko mused, whispering as if it was a secret. Maybe it was, for Mars. "Anyway, I just thought I'd let you in on the details of everything."

"As long as she's safe, then I think I'll be okay with it," Elias told her, recalling what Marco had said to him. "I've thought about it a lot."

"Oh, really? Mars said you were being, and I quote, a stubborn jerk."

Elias rolled his eyes. He could imagine her saying that so easily. "No, just concerned. As long as I get regular updates, I think it'll be okay."

"You think, you think," Riko mocked, but she didn't sound rude. She sounded amused, if anything. "You think or you know?"

Elias sighed. "I know." He felt like he was being scolded.

"Okay, well, if you have the time, we can talk about everything. Just let me know."

"Now is fine."

"You sure?"

Elias nodded. And then, realizing she couldn't see him, quickly added, "Yes, yeah, I'm sure. Sorry."

"All good! So..."


They spoke for an hour, and Elias was feeling the after effects from socializing with people he didn't know well already. It wasn't that he didn't like Riko — he just thought too hard when speaking to newer people.

He fell back onto the sofa and sunk into the throw pillows. He was more tired than usual that day. It happened sometimes.

He hated napping though. He felt like he had something to do — he just wasn't sure what.

Elias sighed and laid his hand over his eyes. Now he was being reminded of Marco always saying he needed to take a break or have fun. Every time Elias thought about working or being busy, Marco's words came to mind without fail.

Maybe... it wouldn't be bad to go with them. That is, if they did decide to go. It was only for a weekend, and he had weekends off. Mars would be gone, too — the house wouldn't need to be cleaned or anything.

It was a perfect opportunity.

So, why was he hesitating? Because he wasn't used to it? Because —

I feel like I don't deserve it. He hated to admit it, but that was most likely the reason. He wasn't sure where that thought even came from — the one that said he didn't deserve a break. He would try and find out, but he wasn't trying to think that much at that moment.

Instead, he just really wanted to close his eyes and —



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