Chapter 1

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See after two years of being hunted but the hero society my team and I planned an attack on the grand hero banquet, where all of the heroes all over the world form together and the banquet would be held in two weeks. Slight issue is I'm also the band for the banquet so I need a plan to make the attack and be able to play work. That my dear readers is where the lovely Nightmare comes into play, see she has a power of getting people to see their worst fears play out in front of them, just by being able to get into their heads. But enough about the plan you will learn about that soon enough. Onto the story!
" Damit why am I so short, this patrol was supposed to be easy!"I screamed as Technopath and I raced over roof tops to get to our next target of interest. La tienda de los niños is owned by the hero Heatwave a hero known for defeating icy villains such as Avalanche, sadly avalanche didn't stand a chance against his snow being melted away, but that's where I come in My power is to control all liquids and objects that can be contained into a liquid, gas, and or solid form from one of the other forms.
"Maybe if we drove instead of running you wouldn't be so behind, now look I see it up ahead!" I turn to look at the stout building in front of me, it's brown and beige all over it with a black door and blacked out windows, if you saw this on the street you would think it's some government ran building for weapons of some sort, but no its not.
" Get the kids out and ill work on a distraction, I'll try to not make it too big!" I yell to him as I run in another direction to create a diversion from the building to obtain time to safety remove the children from the building, yes I know I'm a villain but I don't kill innocent people. As I rounded the corner to a local stop sign I started to melt it with magma when I heard a yell.
" Stop there Mr. Magma man?"
He sounded like a rookie someone who didn't even know my name. I turned around and saw him, my heart dropped to my stomach and I grew worried. There in front of me stood the 6'8 tan giant with honey blonde hair, Unbreakable. I quickly turned myself into air and rushed to where techno was and told him the issues and we both speed to remove all the children from the building before I used a small amount of lava to start a raging fire. By the looks on the children's faces they were relieved the building was up in flames. I smiled at the sight, but knowing that Unbreakable would know I was here I grabbed techno's arm and we ran, until I ran into a chest.
" for being the most well know villains you two sure know how to run into heroes don't you."
I grew pale knowing that voice, " Hi Unbreakable." I said slightly annoyed to have to fight someone and looked to my best friend for any signal to run to home base. He shook his head and I cussed under my breath.
" I swear seeing you here is like karma." I huffed knowing I was still holding onto the chest of the hero. As soon as I let go I saw his face, and I mean really saw his face and I was so very happy I had a mask on to hide my dorky smile while my brain was screaming at me to not look at him in the light I currently was, I mean he was an extremely attractive straight man, as media says. I clear my throat and back up " sorry sir but this isn't regarding you now I have to go, just make sure those children are ok."
I hum and look to techno getting his nod of approval and we run off opposite direction of both the fire and Unbreakable. We continue to run and I start to think about the man who made my heart go crazy, his blue eyes, the scar leading from his forehead down to his chin, his wavy unkept hair that's obviously curly but hasn't been well maintained recently, his studded navy blue earrings and he always seemed to be wearing in public, the wrist band that was black and blended in with his hero outfit, the blacks and blues on his hero suit that fits his body well but not to well that everything is pressed against the fabrics, and the combat boots that blend it all together.
I cursed out under my breath regretting not calling for a car but we were almost two miles away from home base and needing to catch our breath we duck into a covered alley way and sit behind some dumpsters.
" I hate trash and." I mumble out and remove my mask to catch my breath. As I survey the area with the other half of my ability which is analyze, the ability to analyze everyone and everything I look at, I make note that the surround areas are clear and I look to Technopath for water since using magma and air made me extremely winded and warm faster than a normal person would get from running. He hands me a flask and I pop it open and take a few drinks from it knowing he wouldn't give me alcohol on the job.
" you suck at planning get aways from far off jobs." He grunts and I nod in response knowing I'm not the smartest person on our team. See I have ADHD and I'm dyslexic so me making a plan ends up in almost all failures. Then again the job gets done I get to go home and sleep and I'll hate myself in the morning.
" I thought it was 2 minutes away not miles!" I finally note already pulling out my phone to call a ride. I hit call and it starts to ring and we both pray that the person I'm calling is awake.
" hello?" We both sigh out a breath we didn't know we were holding.
"Hi mom, we need a ride." I mumble out again knowing I'll get a talking to after this whole ordeal. To my surprise I hear an engine revving and I look up to see Electric standing next to a a truck with Nightmare in the drivers seat.
"Gracias mami." I smile and hug her as we get into the back of the truck and say our hellos to Nightmare.
" So back to home base?" I ask knowing to keep my voice low as to not cause more issues with my team. Taking the silence in return as a yes I look at Technopath and he shrugs almost as if saying ' don't look at me this was your idea'. I let myself be consumed by my thoughts for the rest of the short drive back and by the end of the drive I'm fighting myself for dominance over my powers, if I don't I'll be consumed by the pain and anger and destroy the city, that's how I got into my fame, one wrong through and next thing I knew half of the city was ablaze. Once the truck parked I was the first one out of there and into my room where I changed into a hoodie and jeans and turned my hair from blue to dirty blonde, my arms and upper face covered in scars from fires and acid I've made or used, my glasses sit on my desk and I put them on, I don't wear contacts. I was out of my room and see Techno out of his outfit and sit down next to him getting ready for the talk.
" So that didn't go as plan, huh Derik?" I ask trying to lighten the mood but before I can utter another word my mother walks in through the door.

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