Chapter Fourteen

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We were going over the plan for the tenth time now. As boring as it is we had to, one wrong move and Magnus was gone forever. That's why Grandfather couldn't just portal into the cell room and save him, as we learned from sending in a small camera the whole floor is filled with guards on every two foot aspect. All of them faced each other one in the middle of each cell. All of the cells empty, damp, dark, but one cell, was darker than most. We had gotten our camera into it without being detected and there we saw it. I had to leave the room from what I had seen, changed to a wall at the very end of the cell room in tattered and burned clothes, was Magnus. We wanted to storm the building then and there, but we knew if we did he would be dead.
Our plan was simple but had to go perfect, one wrong step we would all be locked away and then dead. I had started growing more angry with Jameson by the hour. He had been torturing his own son for now three weeks, and I could only think that Magnus was giving up hope. His hair was a knotted mess, the curls forming on nest, when we get him out I knew it would take months to fix. His face was cold and ill, like he was dead in a living body, and his stature which would normally be looming with strength and resentment, was a hopeless and frail shadow.
He had no physical damage on his body, proving he still had his powers, a man so strong not even bullets can scratch him.
We had to work fast, tomorrow was our day to attack, seeing as how Jameson has grown more vulgar in recent speeches on his son's disappearance, he definitely knows more than he wants the world to catch up on. We had also gone through all the footage from the gala, apparently , something no one else has exhibited doing, and what we found made our bodies grow cold. In the film we watched as Jameson placed a rag over his face and his large body fall limp, we watched as Octavia levitated his body and they escaped out of the room. What made the interaction far worse, was when the two kissed. We all needed a break after that, the man who was more of a monster than father, was in romances to the absolute worst woman to exist.
Today was a far more calm day, with far less gruesome discoveries. It started with a simple debrief on the building levels along with a point of portal entry. After that debrief we all went to our respective rooms to either rest or train. I went to rest.
"Your going to murder him." I hear Denise waltz into the room, his hair was in a bun, a rare hairstyle, and his clothes were those of what she wears in training. She sat on my desk and gave me the 'spill' look.
"I can still visualize Magnus in that room! If I don't kill him I will definitely make him wish he didn't survive." I know I look homicidal, but he had crossed all my lines.
"If you want help tomorrow Derik and I can." She offered, as much as I love my psychopathic best friends, I knew if they were in the room I would hurt them too. Nothing would stop me from getting back Magnus, and right not neither was death.
"I don't want to risk you all being hurt, right now I'm telling death to work for me during this attack." I pick up my pillow and hold it to my chest, a way to calm myself from leaving now and ending them everything to get to him. I always heard that a hero will sacrifice their lover to save the world, and a villain will sacrifice the world to save their lover. I am definitely the villain here. I would without a doubt risk the world for Magnus. Inevitably I knew that would never happen, the world would find a way to simply end me.
The rest of the day had passed without any new information or issues. Until a broadcast had begun. A broadcast that would not let our television turn off. A Hero Corp broadcast.
"Dear citizens of Hemberson State, and the world!" The voice boomed and echoed throughout our house. The deep and raspy voice of Jameson. "Today we see what a snake gets for helping villains." The room on the camera, which was a nice living room, morphed into a horrific sight. Stone bricks lined the walls, black tiles cascaded across the floor, on top of the floor was three other cameras attached to each roofs corners, a surgical equipment table, that contained a knife, a bowl, and a gun, along with a dentist chair, made out of what seemed to be steal and other assortments of metal. What was the worst sight portrayed through the video file being played live, was the huge machine in one of the corners, a large laser.
The door then unlocks and Magnus is dragged into the deranged room. His arms bound in power blockers, his face now resembling someone who's been beaten for months. His cheeks a dark purple crimson that is puffed out, arms covered in similar colored marks, and the worst of all was the still spreading blood stationed across his stomach. He had just had this happen. My hands started to have multiple liquids start to circle around them.
I watched as he was shoved onto the chair and strapped into the chair arms. Merely seconds later his father was seen sitting next to him playing with the blood stained mess on top of his head. He was speaking to him, a sadistic smile, edged into his face as if he had been waiting his whole life to do this. That was my final break.
"We attack now, he will be dead in the next hour." My eyes had turned a dark ocean blue, a true sign someone would die tonight. We all knew it wouldn't be Magnus though.

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