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I looked at Gabriel's retreating figure, was he really going to leave me here? Or was he going to come back, was I meant to sit here?

A part of me itched to go upstairs and hide in the room, but I knew I wouldn't be able to get away with it. 

Lucky enough for me Gabriel came back  a few minutes later with refreshments, handing me what looked like sprite. I took a sniff to find out it was tonic water well that was more disappointing that I was having tonic water without the gin.

But I'll take what I can get, at least it's not boring old water that my body needed but did not crave.

I took a sip of the super fizzy and slightly lemonade-ish water as he sat opposite me, stretching out his legs and leaning back against the wall, his head almost resting against it tilting upwards.

We sat there in silence, but I guess it was better than making small talk with him. Gabriel definitely didn't enjoy making small talk. I guess most people didn't either, I didn't like to but I despised sitting in silence more so I used to always force conversations.

"So what's the plan exactly?" 

Gabriel looked down without moving his head, his eyes meeting mine with the same old stone expression he tended to have, "Plan?"

"I can't follow, weren't you meant to be using me as your ex-wife, so why am I your wife now?"

"You are my ex-wife."

Well, fake ex wife

"So are you close with all your ex wives like this?"

"No...it's just too early to say you're my ex wife. Richard will explain it to you," Gabriel waved a dismissive hand as he took a sip of his drink.

"No...you explain it to me. If you have no idea what you're doing then how would I have any idea what I am doing?"

"You don't need to know what you're doing, just do it for the millions you're going to get," and for some reason his face almost looked disgusted when he said it. Did he not want the money, if he didn't why are we going along with this stupid plan. 

I was keen for the money, of course I was. All this trouble, I was definitely going to be taking my fair share of it and I didn't feel that guilty. Or perhaps that was the combination of sugar and medicine talking but I think I deserved enough to make me get a house, maybe a better car and then enough in my savings till I find myself another job.

One thing was for sure, I couldn't go back to being Gabriel's assistant after this, but I couldn't retire completely, I would be too bored. 

"But I still like to know, didn't we agree that you will tell me before things happen with a minimum of-,"

"I did, and  I still hold to it but things like this pop up and you just need to go with the flow,"

"I am!" I snapped, "Am I not sitting here at your beck and will being paraded like your wife that is your ex wife but acting as your current wife until we need me to be an ex wife?"

Gabriel paused, almost like he was trying to make sense of what I said before he nodded, "yes."

"So when am I becoming your ex wife,"

"Soon. Richard just needs to draw together a few more papers, Fern will put together some fake history and once we make it loop hole proof, we can get divorced."

"Loophole proof?" I asked confused.

"Well, we need legal documents. Richard first said we didn't, fake documents were going to be enough but there's some very important people and lawyers better than Richard involved, so we need more proof."

"You're kidding me," I said, and now I really needed a drink, "Gabriel, I cannot be legally married!"

"Relax, before you know it you will be legally single again and you can go running to marry Kyle."

"Ew no, I'm not marrying him, that's not the point, I mean on paper I will be forever a divorcee now?" I tried to whisper, I really did but it was too hard for me not to scream it at him. God damn it, how could they hide this from me?

"Why wouldn't you marry Kyle,"

"I don't like the concept of marriage but that's beside the point, you didn't answer my question. So there's legal papers that I need to sign?"

"Richard is taking care of it, he's going to deal with all of it so don't worry your average looking head."

"Well my average looking head is going to worry about it when your crazy looking face can't get the facts straight."

Gabriel looked at me, really looked, with those dangerously dark eyes and I nearly winced at his stone cold face, well it wasn't my fault he called me average looking! Sure I was no model, but I didn't need to hear it! I wasn't born into money where I could take care of my presentation and use expensive products all the time! I bet if I wore tight fitted dressed and didn't have to live of cheap junk food I could be a model too.

"What are you two love birds talking about?"

I looked up to see Fern, and hoped that my expression was as disgusted as one could be as he sat down next to me.

"I was joking, relax."

"Once cannot relax without a cup of alcohol and because of someone I cannot drink any cause I am on medication FERN."

"Right, I apologized Rory!"

"You're not forgiven yet Fern, you have a lot of work ahead of you."

"Fine, your wish is my command? Okay? Happy?"

I leaned over grabbing his plate with little nibbles, "I'll start by taking your plate of food, I'm hungry and Gabriel called me fat so I don't want to eat anything."

"I did not call you fat."

"Same thing," I waved a hand ignoring both of them as I took a bite into something very gross, cold and tasted expensive. Rich people needed to start serving good old party pies and sausage rolls at their events. Who the hell would want to eat a cold circle of whatever this paste was. 

I would love nothing more than frozen food, cooked to perfection in the oven.

"You can have it back," I passed the plate back to Fern, "Is there anyway I can get hot chips around here?"

Both Gabriel and Fern sighed, why were they sighing? Surely I should be sighing for everything I was being put through! 

Sorry! March was busy cause it was my birthday, I'm 25 gosh can you believe it...I first started writing more than 10 years ago YIKES. And its Easter coming up and I have a business + work fulltime so I am CRAZY busy but please keep reminding me and DMing me on Insta it really helps me make some time to get on here xx

Love you all - Insta: imsooverpolice & nkpockett

Also my laptop died so I'm trying to write on my phone so forgive any typos. 

The Divorceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें