Chapter 31

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Another update yay! Comment heaps i love reading your comments hehe. 

He wasn't back.

And I had lost all track of time, I rotated the key in-between my hands wondering whether I should open the door or not. 

Had it been ten minutes, or ten seconds?

Or ten days, who knew, not me. I was stuck in here with barely any clothes on waiting for the rats to come eat me when they got hungry. Could they smell fear? I wasn't scared, no way.

But what was that sound?

Stop it Rory, you're just hallucinating. Maybe I really did get a concussion, maybe I should just fully embrace this dark cold space, and lie down on the ground and wait for my fate to get me.

Well...just for a bit anyway the world was spinning, at least in the dark. I leaned back against the wall, not having the full heart to lie on the dirty ground. I placed my cheek against the cold and dirty bricks, who were probably as miserable as me.

"It's just you and me rats, we'll be living together from now on. Don't worry, I don't like the taste of you and have no intention of trying it. So, let's make a pact, you don't eat me, and I eat you?" I asked into the darkness.

"Or unless you can all come eat me at once and I don't feel any pain and die, cause I assume starving would hurt just as bad right?"

No answer.

No squeak.

No chirp.

Maybe they were waiting for the right time to strike, right when I was so weak.

I tugged the blazer around me tighter, at least this was warm. It was almost like a blanket, it just needed to be longer to cover my toes. These heels were not it.

I could hear noises outside, not chatter, not the human kind anyway. It must be my ghost brothers and sisters, don't worry guys, I'll soon join you.

Oh wait, it was human chatter? Was that Fern? Richard?

That bastard better not be sending them to come get me, but that would be typical Gabriel. Oh no, I can't have them see me like this. Maybe I should go and put the dress back on. If the douche was going to leave me then why did I go to all this effort to change.

Man he made me angry, I can't wait to quit. Maybe I should just quit tonight for the -

I looked up as the door opened, light flooding in.

I quickly raised my hands covering my eyes, "Ah fuck," that stings. My eyes were in pain as the bright light rudely interrupted them before disappearing. Ah...darkness. There it is again.

"Put it on."

A felt something heavy, and fluffy, land on top of me. A rat?

I opened my eyes letting them settling into the darkness and looked up to see a torch now pointing to the roof. I didn't dare look up.

"Oh you came back."

I placed a hand on the wall standing up and grabbing the excessive amount of fabric off the ground.

"Obviously," Gabriel said, confused. He was now dressed, well, at least had a polo top on so it was better than staring at him shirtless. 

"Um, turn around then,"

Gabriel sighed, "It's a robe, you put it on top of that, do you know how they work?"

"Oh yeah...I'm concussed be nice!" I snapped

I opened the robe, finding the arms before shoving on in, then trying to find the other arm.

"You know, I thought you were going to send Fern or one of your minions."

"Why would I do that?" Gabriel asked, waiting impatiently as I tried to find the other arm. 

"I don't know, seems like a you thing," I told him.

I looked over my shoulder to find the other arm. Gabriel signed, before reaching over and holding out the side of the robe so I could find it.

Oh there it is. I slipped it on, letting it cover me from chin to toe, well this was a nice robe. Who's was it?

"Is the corridor clear?"


"Are you sure?"


Was he just saying yes to everything?

"Did anyone see you leave?"


Damn, he was listening.

"Close your eyes so the light doesn't burn," Gabriel said as he stuck his hand out.

"What?" I asked looking at the hand, before hi fiving it.

"The key dumbo,"


I still had the key. 

"How did you open it?" I asked, reaching into the blazer pocket under the robe where I was storing it.

"With the key that goes the other way, obviously. Have you lost the two cells of IQ you had?"

"You're mean, are you hangry?" I asked Gabriel, handing him the key "Does that mean we can go get my dress back?"

"I thought you didn't like it," He said as he unlocked the door, "I'll come back and get it later."

"What if you get stuck?"

"Just walk Rory."

Yes sir!

Gabriel took the first step forward, before telling me to follow him, I did what he said and closed my eyes before slowly opening them. It still hurt, but not as much as when the bastard shone the entire LED torch light into my eyeballs. Maybe that's why rats hated us, cause we shine light onto them.

Stop it with the rats! Yuck! Stop thinking about it Rory.

But it was hard, now I felt bad for the rats that could be stuck forever in those tunnels.

"Walk," the voice commanded again and I obeyed. I walked down the corridors behind Gabriel, just in case someone comes around the corner maybe his huge body could block me. 

Luckily for him, and me, there was no one up here and I rushed into his room behind him as he shut the door.

"Whoa, you got the better room for sure!"

I did see his room, for a brief second or so, but now I realised how big it was, and how much better his curtains were than my curtains, and the big TV. Where was mine?

"Do you want to swap?"

"'s fine." 

Yes, obviously, why would he even ask that.

"You can go to your room through the bathroom," He nodded. Oh right, I forgot about the adjoining doors. 

"Do you want your clothes back?"

"Just give it to me later," he said as he walked towards the joining doors, just when there was a knock on the door.

"Gabe? You in there?"

Was that a female voice?

Instagram: imsooverpolice

Guys 4 updates in one fucking 24 hours of a writing spree, love me, follow me, and hound me for my next update cause I think I deserve to go into hibernation now. 

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