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The 5 Voltron members waited in a lounge room while Zeno spoke to Lance. They wanted to have a bonding time so they could get to know Lance better. 

When Lance walked in, it was obvious he was still in agent mode, his face stoic, his body tense. Zeno pushed him into a chair, then took the spot next to Blue. 

"Let's get started!" Zeno smiled brightly. 

"How about never have I ever? I feel like that could be fun with 2 agents!" Pidge smiled. 

"Alright, I'll go first! Never have I ever fucked up a mission because I flirted with the target," Zeno smiled happily, getting a glare from Lance who had to put his finger down. 

"Wait, really?" Pidge asked with a smile. 

"We were at a bar and Lance started flirting with this... person, it was only after they left that we realized they were our target," Zeno laughed while Lance hung his head in shame. 

"Alright, I'll go next," Hunk smiled. "Never have I ever been skilled with more than one weapon," at this, Keith, Shiro, Zeno, and Lance put their fingers down. 

"What weapons are you skilled with?" Hunk asked. 

"Name a weapon and I've used it before," Lance said plainly. 

"He hates staffs though," Zeno cackled. 

"Never have I ever been tortured by the Galra," Keith said, watching as Shiro placed a finger down, but Lance and Zeno also lowered their finger. They decided not to say anything on the matter. 

"Never have I ever eaten 10,000 calories in one sitting," Shiro smiled. Hunk bashfully put his finger down along with Zeno. It was Lance's turn. 

"Never have I ever remembered my bio parents," Lance's voice was flat, but everyone let out a groan as they put their fingers down. 

"Going with the trauma, huh?" Zeno asked. 

"It's not trauma," Lance shot back. 

"Whatever, never have I ever been forced to use a staff during a mission," Zeno smiled brightly while Lance glared at him.

"That was all your fault! I told you to commission me a gun, but you only got the stupid staff for yourself!" Lance growled. 

"What's the weirdest weapon you've had to fight with?" Hunk asked, dropping the game. Lance thought for a minute before glaring at Zeno again. 

"A paperclip, you really screwed me over that mission," Zeno busted out laughing. 

"Oh my god! I remember watching you have to stab that guy so many times before he finally gave up!" Zeno hollered. 

"How many missions have you been on, Lance?" Pidge asked with interest, a slight smile on her face. 

"Too many to count," Lance shrugged, feeling his tension slowly slip away. 

"Then what's your weirdest mission?" Hunk asked. Lance looked to Zeno as he thought. 

"Mission 359?" Zeno asked after a second. Lance thought before nodding. 

"What's mission 359?" Shiro asked. 

"We had to go to a completely aquatic planet and start a fire under the surface of the water for ceremonial purposes," Lance shrugged. 

"But the problem was, they wouldn't tell us how to do it, so we ended up dropping a container into the water with a tube that reached the surface to light a fire in," Zeno laughed. 

"That was one of the first missions I had with you," Lance thought, a soft smile slowly forming on his face. 

"Only the beginning of a beautiful friendship," Zeno sighed dramatically, leaning on Lance. 

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