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"Ok, I'll tell Lance," Zeno sighed. 

"Sir, we haven't told Director Garnet yet, we figured Blue should know first. Was that the right call?" He asked nervously, knowing going against the Director was a bad idea. 

"Yes, you did the right thing. Don't tell him till Blue get's there," Zeno hated having to be the bringer of this awful news on the day Lance was already mourning. Why did it have to be today?

He tried Lance's phone while Brick sat and watched. Lance refused to answer, so he switched directions and called Keith instead. 

"Hello?" Keith asked once he picked up. 

"Keith! Thank god!" Zeno sighed. "I need to tell Lance something,"

"He's... going through something right now..." Keith said, looking towards Lance who was sitting in front of a shrine for all the innocents lost throughout the years. 

"Tell him we found Director Raven, but it's a code Black. He needs to get back to the base as soon as possible," Zeno rushed out. 

"What? You found director Raven?" Keith asked into the phone. Lance's head snapped in Keith's direction. He got up from his crouched position and grabbed the phone from Keith. 

"What about Director Raven?" He asked. 

"Lance!" Zeno paused as he tried to figure out what to say, "They found him in a pod, but it's... it's a code black," 

It was silent on the other side until the line dropped. Zeno hung his head, hoping that meant Lance was on his way back to the base. 

Minutes passed and Lance ran through the halls, a confused Keith at his heels. He found Zeno quickly since Zeno was waiting for him to show up. 

"What the hell happened?" He asked. 

"I told them not to touch or move anything till you got there. They're in the docking bay right now," Zeno informed. He told Brick to stay where he was, not wanting to mix the baby agent up in all of this. Regular death would have been fine, but this was the ex-director and a top-secret investigation on top of that. 

Lance plowed through everyone standing in his way, the glare on his face enough to make anyone freeze in their place. 

When they got to the bay they were met with a single pod with its door wide open and an agent squad standing next to it. 

"Agent Blue! We haven't touched or changed anything, only brought the pod back to be docked," One of the agents stepped forward, and Zeno recognized them as the one that first informed him of the situation. 

Lance walked into the pod, looking at its completely trashed state. The shelves that were normally nailed to the wall were in pieces on the floor, and papers were scattered everywhere. Lance carefully picked up one of the papers, only to see the scribblings of a madman, references of the Galra, and a deal. 

In the far corner of the pod, next to the control panel, was a crumbled body, their head dropped to their chest, and a pool of blood surrounding them. Lance carefully walked closer to it. 

There was a major red spot on their side, most likely the source of most of the blood, but there was a large head wound too. Lance crouched down in front of the body, looking into Iverson's face. His hair was stained red. He was pale from the blood loss and lack of a pumping heart, but Lance could see the dark circles under his eyes, and the way his cheeks were sunken. He was thin like he hadn't eaten anything in weeks. Pods like this only carried enough food for one week, and if the timeline added up, he would have been in space for 5 months. 

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