Chapter 3: Victor Of Being Cruel

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Raphael picks the ball that has bounced back to his feet after hitting the former Dean's brass statue behind us. I turn my eyes back to Adrien and see him jogging toward us. My heart speeds up and anxiety crawls inside me as his tall figure nears us. Adrien Augustine is never a good news, more so when I'm around any boy.

"Quite a throw there," Raphael says as Adrien stands before us. He passes the ball back to him.

"Was aiming for your head, but missed it," replies Adrien. For a second I believed he was serious until I see a playful smirk on his face.

"Well, better luck next time. But I should remind you this head is quite liked around here." It seems Raphael and Adrien are already familiar with each other.

"I'll take the risk." The devil's eyes then move to me, and I realize the ferocity in them isn't gone, it is barely masked behind the pretense of playfulness. "So what do we have here? Am I interrupting something?" He's looking at me like he wants to eat me and chew me out.

"She's Harper," supplies Raphael, unaware that his friend already knows me. "I just ran into her."

"I know her. She's in my classes."

"That's a pleasant coincidence."

"It is, isn't it?" Adrien finally takes his eyes off me to give a tight-lipped smile to Raphael. "I hope you aren't trying to get in her pants. Not a good choice to be one of your conquests."

My cheeks flame at his crass remark and I grit my teeth. Here we go.

Raphael splutters, caught off guard, but he composes himself quickly. "Don't talk about her like that. There's nothing wrong with Harper," he admonishes Adrien immediately. "And women for me are not conquests Augustine. I see them as people, just like you and me, and my every interaction with them isn't about getting between their legs."

"Yet somehow you end up in bed with almost every one of them DeRose," Adrien taunts.

"I can't help it if they want to be with me. Not many men here can give them what they want." A sly grin appears on Raphael's lips. It's an indirect attack on Adrien.

"Or maybe you pick the one who are the most desperate." Now this is an indirect attack on me. I really hate this guy.

I notice that both have their shoulders squared and the mask of friendliness is slipping off from their faces. Raphael is not a short guy, but Adrien is taller and also more built, courtesy of his regular basketball training. If this escalates I'm afraid Raphael has the short end of stick. I have very little hope that Adrien will respect Raphael's seniority over us. He's a Neanderthal who always needs to establish his masculinity.

By now if there was any other guy with me, Adrien's presence would be intimidating enough to make him back off. But Raphael isn't some guy, and I suspect he too have a reputation to keep.

I am debating whether to stay with them and make sure nothing happens or just bolt out of here. Latter option looks more tempting.

As Raphael is about to speak someone from the basketball court calls Adrien, breaking their stand-off. His teammates are waiting for him and the ball. Yes, please leave.

Instead Adrien throws them the ball and gestures to continue without him.

"I think you should go back to your friends," Raphael tells Adrien. "It's not good for our star player to slack off the practice. We want our college to have the cup this season." I'm not the only one who wants this devil to go away.

"Don't worry, we'll get you your cup. But my conscious doesn't allow to leave my vulnerable Peppa alone with you." Oh god, not with that stupid nickname.

"Peppa?" Raphael questions before I can tell off Adrien that I don't need protection, especially from him.

Adrien shrugs.

"For a girl that you find not good enough to be my 'conquest', you're oddly too protective of her."

"What can I say? I'm quite attached to her." Yeah, attached like a leech.

"You are a strange specimen." Raphael sighs, stepping back. He looks at his watch and frowns. "I'll lecture you about respecting women and seniors some other time Augustine." Adrien snorts. "Right now I am late for something important."

"Late for one of your booty calls," grumbles Adrien, earning a glare from Raphael.

"You should think of filtering that foul mouth of yours. You never know when it might get you in big trouble," Raphael warns him, before turning to me and smiling, a complete 180° from his previous scowl. "I'm sorry you have to get caught in ruckus between two guys. I'll make sure to see you around Harper Young." He accentuates my name deliberately to nag Adrien and I appreciate the effort.

"Take care." I smile at him, and he walks away with hurried steps.

Before I can get out of here too, I'm dragged back by the handle of my bag. I turn my head to glower at Adrien, who has a death grip on my handbag. His burning gaze almost makes me cower.

"What do you want?" I whine. "Isn't it enough that you bashed me in front of Raphael?"

He drags me closer till my back touches his chest, making me squeal. His face moves down to align with mine. "Do you think Raphael is serious about you?" He grits, his breath stroking my ear. "All he cares about a pussy to put his dick in, no matter who it belongs to."

"Let go of me now," I say and try to unsuccessfully push him off me. It's him who lets go and I stumble ahead a little. I turn around and glare at him, which takes lots of guts from my very limited stock, seeing his blazing eyes are penetrating me to my core. "What I do and think about Raphael is none of your business!"

"You and your mouth - that is getting awfully big - are my business."

"What is your damage?!" I give him an incredulous look. "Are you obsessed with me?!"

"Don't flatter yourself," Adrien sneers, his eyes running through my figure. "I'll never go for a girl as fat as you." He shakes his head. "Lose a few pounds, maybe then I'll consider."

His words hurt. "I don't need you to consider anything about me, just stop hounding me and let me live in peace."

The corner of his lips lift up in a vile smirk. "Can't do that. It's a pleasure to put you in your place, make sure you don't get ahead of yourself. It's almost addicting."

"You're sick." He really is.

"You know what? I am sick."

"Then get help and leave me alone!"

"You're my help Peppa." He steps closer and my heart thuds. He leans down, inches separating our faces. I see something feral swirling in those black eyes as they roam over my face. He really resents me. "Seeing you strut around with your swollen body makes me sick. You getting rid of that disgusting flab is what going to help me Peppa," he coos mockingly.

I suppress a whimper. He's pure evil.

"I am helping you too. Who's going to remind you to stop shoving donuts in your big mouth and get on the track? That sagging ass isn't going to get in shape itself."

I move away from him and blink my tears away. I can feel him gloating that once again he succeeded in putting me down, tearing me apart.

"Asshole," I mutter weakly, but I'm not sure it has any effect on him. It's already established he has won. He's the victor of being cruel.

Without glancing back I stomp away, and thankfully this time Adrien doesn't stop me. But I feel his eyes burning into my back till I get out of his sight.

He deserves to rot in hell.


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