Chapter 5: Your Asshole

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It's late at night and I'm walking through the deserted lanes. I didn't intend to stay out this late, but I lost the track of time with Jenny and Rachel. After shopping we went to a restaurant, and there the time slipped by as we chatted and ate.

The city always remains bustling, be it sunny afternoon or after midnight. So it wasn't until almost half past 10 that I looked at my cell phone and realized I stayed out way past my usual time.

I took the bus which dropped me at the nearest stop to our college. Now I have to cover the remaining distance to my dormitory on foot and alone at this ungodly time of night. Jenny and Rachel share a flat together in another area, so they aren't with me.

Our college is located on the outskirts, which isn't as lively as the city. The streets are empty and look haunted with flickering lampposts. I speed walk, clutching my bags tightly and praying to not encounter any ghost or a killer.

As though my luck has to prove that it's never on my side I suddenly hear another set of footsteps other than the click of my heels. The person is behind me.

I increase my pace, and it can very well be my paranoia, but I suspect so do they.

My heart is in my throat as I feel the person getting closer to me. Their steps are heavy and I catch a large shadow under the blinking lights of lamppost. I am too afraid to look back, but I can already predict if something happens I don't stand a chance to fight them off.

I'm going to get robbed tonight! Or worse!

I am now half-jogging to get away from them. This time I don't suspect, I know that their steps have gotten quicker. Distance between us is becoming shorter.

Before I can think, my legs already make the decision and I find myself full-on running. Loud footsteps let me know my follower is on my trail.

I'm going to die!

I push myself. My shoes are not made for running, bags in my hand feel heavy, and my breaths are turning into gasps for air, but I run for my life.

I hear some voices from the coming lane. I quickly take the turn, hoping to find people to help me.

"Help!" I shout as I run to the group of guys near the corner. "Help me!"

They look in my direction and relief washes over me seeing the familiar face among them. Adrien. Never thought a day would come when I'd be ecstatic to see that scoundrel's face.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" He barks as soon as I reach them. His eyes are running all over me, taking my ragged state.

I am panting, sweating and going by my blurry vision also crying. I look behind to search for the person who is following me. There's no one in sight, only the empty street.

"Peppa." A large hand on my shoulder makes me turn back. Adrien is looking down at me, concerned. "Why are you out alone this late?"


"Let her calm down. She's scared," another guy says. He's leaning against the cruiser motorcycle with a cigarette in his hand. He comes off as intimidating with feline-like sharp eyes and dark stubble on his high cheeks. I have seen him in college but I don't know his name. In fact I have never interacted with any of the guys here other than Adrien and Trent.

There are six of them, including Adrien and Trent, and I think they are all part of our college's basketball team. I don't keep much tabs on college sports. They all tower over me as I stand there trying to control my rapid breaths and unwantedly gulping bitter smoke. Besides the scary guy, two others have cigarettes dangling between their fingers too.

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