We don't have time

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"We're five minutes out cap!" Hermann shouted over the glare of the siren. Matt nodded and pulled out his phone to notify jay since they probably didn't know where they were going's
Matt: "jay we're five minutes out"
Jay: "copy that"

Jay was fidgeting with his fingers as Adam clocked onto his nervousness, "jay we're gonna find her, don't stress" he looked over at him, jay nodded slowly but kept his eyes on the road. He couldn't lose her, not yet, not now, not today, god no! Hank was following behind in his car, he had been in this area before so he knew they were nearly there, he was worried sick for his detectives, especially Emily.

"Sylv, did you hear that?" Kim put her hands out and stopped in her tracks, "h-help..." Emily called out but it was more like a muffled cry. Brett jumped, "em?!" She shouted out and looked around, "I'm over h-here..." she started banging on the heavy metal above her with a stick. Kim and Brett moved over to where the banging and cries were coming from but it took them a few seconds to actually locate where she was, oh gosh...She was trapped in the little ditch but that wasn't the worst part, the metal beam and wooden debris were collapsed on top of the opening, she was stuck. "Em, are you hurt?" Kim placed her hand on Emily's fingers which were poking through a small gap, "yeah, my legs pretty jammed up. But there's water, a lot of it, and I can't see..." she cried out.

                Kim looked around, "keep still em, I'm gonna try and stop the water" she finally spotted a funnel which was gushing out with water, it was leaking into the ditch which Emily was still in.  "Guys we found her!" Sylvie stood up and shouted over to Mackey who was applying pressure to Stellas wound, "good!" The pair shouted back.  "Argh!" Emily cried out in pain, "what is it em?" Kim shouted out as she looked around for something to block the funnel with, "just my leg, the waters up to my waist. Ugh! It stings like a bitch..." she huffed.  Sylvie couldn't help but let a sad smile form on her face, of course she'd still use her humour when she's in danger.  "I can't stop it, it's too heavy" Kim cried out and dropped the wooden plank.  "just leave it, I'm sure helps on its way. We're gonna be okay" Emily cried out and bit back her pain.

                Kim sighed and ran around to sylvies side, of course Emily was being optimistic, when was she not?  "Stay low em, we're gonna try shift the wood" sylvie stood up.  Emily groaned in pain as she moved but obeyed their order and kept her head down as she nearly became fully submerged in water, a small bit of light came beaming through the top of the opening, "that's all we can do sylv, we're gonna have to wait until help comes" Kim huffed as the pair only managed to move the wood away a few inches, it was enough for Emily to sit back up in the muddy water and poke her arms out the top. "I've got you em, we're here" Kim sat down on the wood and held her hand.  Emily let a few tears roll down her face as the water finally reached her neck, she hated small spaces and the water was making her panic, not to mention the excruciating pain her leg was in.

                  "This must be it" Adam stopped the car but before he could say anything else jay had already gotten out of the car.  Jay rapidly ran down the steep steps to the remains of the cabin to see Kim holding a pale hand, "jay..." Kim cried out as she realised help was finally here, she just didn't expect it to be him, or their own first responders. Jay knelt down next to her as Sylvie stood up to give him room, "em? Em can you hear me?" He looked around at the situation. "J-jay?" She cried out, the water was now up to her mouth and she needed to look up to talk so her voice was hoarse. "Yeah em, it's me..." he smiled sadly. Kim let go of her hand so jay could hold it instead, "the waters getting too high, I c-can't breath..." she cried out. Jay shook his head, "hang in there em, we're gonna get you out" he sighed in worry.

Kelly and Matt ran down followed by a few other firefighters, "the waters rising fast, we have to get her out" jay spoke out in concern knowing that they were gonna be too late. Before they could do anything else jay felt Emily's hand grip onto his even tighter, he looked back down at the ditch to see water flooding over the edge, "I'll go get the blocks" Cruz began running away but Kelly stopped him, "no, we need all hands on deck. We don't have time" he waved everyone down. Hank and Adam were stood nearby as Kim held onto adams shoulder for moral support. Jay could feel Emily panicking since she was fully submerged in water, he was kind of calm since he could feel her arm moving around but that soon came to an end when she stopped fighting and fell limp. Jays heart shattered, no, this can't be the end, not yet, not now, no no no no no.

"On my count, 3...2...1..." Matt groaned as 5 firefighters all secured their hands onto the metal beam. There were many groans as they finally picked up the heavy metal beam and tossed it away, jay held onto her hand even though she wasnt gripping his hand back anymore, his stomach was in a knot. The rest of the firefighters who were stood nearby began tossing the wooden debris away and before they knew it Emily was free. Jay clutched her arm and pulled her out with the help from Kelly. His eyes widened as the pair pulled her onto dry land, there was a glass shard from the window in her thigh and she wasn't breathing, she was drenched from head to toe. "Let me through" Mackey pushed her way through the crowd, "Kelly, Stella needs someone to apply pressure to her wound" she added and knelt down next to sylvie. Kelly nodded and ran off to go help his girlfriend.

"She's not breathing, I'm starting CPR" Sylvie notified Mackey. Mackey nodded and started observing the glass wound on her leg, she didn't remove it since it was lodged in there pretty deep. Sylvie gave Emily 5 rescue breaths but it did nothing, she began compressions in attempts to clear the water from Emily's lungs. Jay was still holding onto her hand and he didn't plan on letting go either. After a minute of compressions and pulse checking Emily finally coughed up the water from her lungs, "okay okay, breath em c'mon. That's it, deep breaths" Sylvie placed her hand behind her head. Emily's eyes opened and adjusted to the bright light to see at least a dozen heads staring down at her, and the first thing she done was flash them all a small smile. She subconsciously gripped onto jays hand not knowing who it was until she looked at him, he had tears in his eyes which were on the verge of spilling.

"Let's go, she needs medical attention now!" Sylvie stood up. Jay nodded and picked her up carefully without a second thought, "ride in the rig with her, we'll get to med quicker" Matt signalled for jay to follow him. Hank and Adam followed them up as Stella got into Kelly's rig. Sylvie, Mackey and Kim rode with Adam as hank rode solo, they started their drive back home, "what about lakeshore? Isn't that closer?" Gallo opposed. Cruz shook his head, "it's full, the other anglewood victims got there first. We'll have to go to gaffney" he sighed. Jay wasn't listening to them, instead he just sat with his partner in his arms, she was shaking, soaked and pale, "it's okay, I'm here. You're gonna be okay" he whispered as her eyes began to get heavy. He was trying to reassure himself more then anyone.

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