In pain

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*Katy's POV*

It is so quiet in here. I believe it is a hospital room because I opened my right eye so there was only a slit to see through. The walls, bed, blinds, and machines are all white and I can hear the machine beeping. I can also hear somebody breathing. I am in so much pain, everything hurts. Especially my arm, which I think is in a sling.

I hear someone walk in. "Hello sir, are you her father?" An unfamiliar voice says.

"No, I'm detective Nick Amaro." the detective sitting there answered.

"Oh, okay. She is in really bad shape. She shows signs of neglect, she was starved, she was beaten numerous times, she had multiple healed bone fractures. This girl went through hell when she lived with them." The doctor replied.

"Yea, I know. My team is looking for leads right now. We are going to catch this son of a bitch and we will see if he likes being chained up." Detective Nick Amaro said.

"Okay. Good. Well i need to check her ribs if you want to go get coffee or something." The doctor said.

"Can I just stay?" Detective Nick asked.

"Ummm, yea sure." The doctor replied.

I felt the doctor roll the blanket down. I tried to open my eyes but I was just to tired. I was wearing grey sweatpants and a light blue shirt. I can feel my bra straps still so I know that I have one on. The doctor rolled up my shirt too right underneath my bra. I felt the cool air on my ribs.

"Oh my god. She really was starved." Nick said talking about how skinny I am.

"I know, I am checking for signs of internal bleeding." The doctor said calmly.

I opened my eyes for just a second so there were slits to see through and saw Nick sitting next to the hospital bed with his head on his hands, staring at the doctor, then my eyes closed. The doctor applied pressure with his fingers to right underneath my ribs. My eyes shot open. I gasped for air, but I just couldn't seem to breathe.

Nick jumped and knelt beside the bed. He put one his hand on my cheek and the other on my shoulder. He turned my head so that I am looking at him.

"Hey, hey, hey, yo, look at me, you're safe now. It's ok. You're going to be alright. Just breathe. You're safe now." He said comfortingly, looking into my eyes.

It was still hard to breathe because the doctor was still applying pressure. "Hey, I'm really glad your awake and everything, but you're bleeding and need stitches so I am going to have to put them in right under your ribs. I didn't see that before, but you were asleep before so u didn't feel it. You're awake now so it might hurt." The doctor said nervously.

Nick sighed. "Wait, how did you not see her bleeding before?" He asked the doctor.

"Because I was doing emergency surgery, I was more focused on her bleeding out than a little cut." The doctor replied rudely.

"Okay doctor, do what u have to do." Nick said sarcastically.

"Emergency surgery?" I asked because I don't remember much of anything.

"Yea, you walked into the the precinct with a letter, handed it to me, and passed out. You were pretty beat up and passed out. They rushed you into emergency surgery. You have 4 broken ribs, stitches on your eyebrow and forehead, your arm is popped out of the socket, and you have cuts everywhere." Nick answered.

"Oh." I said confused.

"Do you know who did this to you?" He asked and paused. I looked at him and I was about to start crying. "He can't hurt you anymore. I promise. You're safe now. But you don't have to talk about it right now if you don't want to. let him do the stitches and then get some rest. Okay?" He finished. I nodded.

"Okay, ready for the stitches?" The doctor asked me. I nodded. I slowly looked down at him sewing my cut together. I moaned. Nick was standing by the door. He was talking to somebody named 'Fin'.

"Yea, she is awake. She is in a lot of pain and is getting more stitches now. And she is really scared of who ever did this to her. She won't tell me who did it. I told her to rest up and then we can talk about it." Nick said.

"Okay, captain said that in 3 days she can come to the precinct with you and talk to her there. He said not to talk to her there because it is to dangerous if somebody hears you." Fin answered.

"Okay, well she is done with stitches so I got to go. Bye." Nick said.

"Bye." Finn answered.

Nick came back into the room and sat next to the bed. "So Katy, that was my detective buddy, and he said that you and I can go back the in 3 days and talk about what happend. Okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Get some rest. You are going to need it." He said and patted my good shoulder. Then I felt my body fall asleep. First my legs, then my arms, and then I was asleep.

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