The Hospital Again.

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So i really hope you guys are liking this story so far. comment what you want my next story to be about. I already have some ideas. But let me get to the point so you guys can read. This chapter might be a little confusing because it is going to switch POV's. (point of view if you are reading this MG) I really hope you guys like it.

(Nick's POV*)

I hear the sirens. I am in a ambulance with Olivia sitting next to me holding my hand.

"Where's Katy?" i asked in a whisper.

"She is okay. She is in the other AMBO." She replied.

"He raped her, in my house. And i couldn't help her." I said as the machine started to beep louder than what it was a second ago.

"Stay calm Nick. You really need to." She told me. "What happened wasn't your fault."

"He got away." I told her.

"No, he didn't. We found him in your car about a half a mile away from your house." She told me. "We got him." I sighed with releaf.

(Katy's POV*)

"Katy, stay with me." I heard Fin's voice telling me. I felt a tube in my mouth going down my throat helping me breathe. "You'll be alright. You're a fighter."

I took a deep breath and felt my stomach go numb. I can't breathe. I hear a lot of beeping and then one long beep.

"What's going on?" Fin yelled.

"She is going into shock." one of the EMT's yelled back. "Paddles!" She yelled again.

I felt my top being ripped open at the top. but i still had a bra on so Fin couldn't see anything.

"Clear!" I heard a EMT yell. Then i felt electricity going through my body.

"Again!" She yelled. "Clear!" and again i felt electricity thoughout my body. This time i started to breathe.

"Thank god. I new you were a fighter." I heard Fin whisper.

(At the hospital in Nick's POV*)

I just got out of surgury and i am in a hospital bed. I hear the beat of the beeps of the hospital machine. But i also hear another beeping sound off beat from mine. I open my eyes a crack to see Katy laying in the other bed with a plastic tube going down her throat helping her breathe.

"Great, you're finally awake." Rollins said walking into the hospital room. "How ya feeling?"

"I have been better. How's Katy?" I asked.

"She'll survive." She replied. I gave her look because I am serious. "I mean she is okay, but she needs help breathing."

"You mean about as okay as you can be as a 13 year old who has been raped in the house of the one person she trusted." I replied.

"Nick, this isn't your fault. Okay? you were tied up and couldn't move." She replied. "It's about time you start caring about yourself and not everybody else. I mean come on, you were shot."

I looked at my arm and shoulder that has a big wrap on it. There was a little dried up blood on it but not as much as you would expect. "I need to worry, We have Katy's father in custody now, and she isn't in any danger anymore, so where is she gonna go?" I asked.

"Probably to foster care or something." Rollins replied.

"Do you think it is possible that I could get custody of her?" I whispered.

Rollins giggle and smiled. "Probably, you have taken cared of her for a few days now. But before you make a ton of decisions, wait until you are off that wacky gas shit." She replied.

"Okay, your right. But can you sneak some pizza in here from the cafeteria?" I asked.

"Of course, I'll be back." She replied.

I heard some coughing from the other bed. I looked over at her to see her eyes flickering open. I leaned my body towards her.

"Hey sweetie." I said. "How you feeling?"

She went to say something when the tube in her throat stopped her. She went to try to pull it out when the nurse walked in.

"Oh, your up," she said. "Don't play with that."

Katy rolled her eyes and I saw he becoming frustrated. "It's okay. Go back to sleep, it will be out soon." The nurse said getting out a needle and putting it in Katy's arm. In about 2 minutes, katy was asleep. And I was still waiting for my pizza.

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